Student representation

Improve the University experience for you and others by sharing your feedback and making your voice heard.

We can’t improve without student feedback. If you’ve got something important to say, we’ll listen.

Give feedback

Your input in our regular surveys and reviews helps improve the student experience.

You can also give feedback to any staff member, or to your school and course reps, anytime. You can even become a representative yourself.

Course reps

Each school has one elected rep per teaching group (depending on the school you study in). You’ll be invited to select a student to represent your course/programme.

Course reps pass student views onto the Student Staff Partnership Forum (SSPF).

Learn more about course reps and training from Leeds University Union (LUU).

School reps

Over 100 school reps work in teams within each faculty, representing undergraduates and taught postgraduate students.

They take students’ views to the School Taught Student Education Committee (STSEC), SSPF, and Leeds University Union (LUU)’s Better University Forum.

Find out who your school rep is and how to contact them or get involved.

Faculty officers

Faculty officers represent the whole of their faculty. They work with all the school reps in their faculty to identify common themes in student feedback.

They take it to Faculty Taught Student Education Committee (FTSEC) meetings where it’s used to help shape and create University policies.

Find out more about what a faculty officer does on LUU’s academic representation pages.

LUU Education Officer

LUU coordinates and supports student representation at programme and course level for undergraduates, taught postgraduate and research students.

The Education Officer is one of six annually-elected members of the Student Executive. They work with students and reps to improve the student experience, including academic matters, learning resources, course issues and educational policy.

Experiences and opportunities