Special arrangements for exams and assessments

If you’re disabled, ill, taking assessments abroad or unable to take an assessment due to religious observance, then we may be able to make special arrangements for you.

Religious observance 

If you’re unable to attend assessments on Sabbaths, holy days or religious festivals (including Eid), let the Assessment and Progress team know as soon as you can.

Find out how to do this on the religious observance and assessments page.

Taking exams abroad 

If you live outside the UK or are studying abroad as part of your programme, it may be possible for you to sit your exams and/or resits overseas. 

Find out how to apply to sit your exams abroad.


If you need access arrangements to be made for your exams and assessments, let your school know as soon as possible.

You should also contact Disability Services to arrange a needs assessment. Email Disability Services at disability@leeds.ac.uk or call Disability Services on +44(0)113 343 3927.

Find out more about assessment access arrangements.


If you’re absent from an assessment or believe that your performance has been affected by illness or other adverse circumstances, you can apply for mitigating circumstances.

Temporary modified exam arrangements

If you need temporary modified exam arrangements to be made for you, perhaps due to an illness or impairment, you should contact your parent school to submit a request with a medical note dated within four weeks of the start of the assessment period.

You’ll receive an email from the Assessment and Progress team once your arrangements have been made.

Viewing your alternative exam arrangements

Once the final timetable with venues has been published, your personal exam and assessment timetable will be updated on Minerva.

You’ll be able to see any extra writing time you’re entitled to in the duration alongside each exam. Special circumstances venues will be indicated with a suffix of “SC” after the room name.


If you have any questions about how you are assessed, you should contact your school. You can also find out more about types of assessment at the University.

If you have general queries about assessments, email the Assessment and Progress team at examinations@leeds.ac.uk.

If you have any queries regarding your assessment access arrangements, email the Assessment and Progress Special Circumstances team at scexams@leeds.ac.uk. Include your student ID number and the module code of your exam/assessment in the email.
