University of Leeds
Academic life
Academic life
Module Enrolment
Module Enrolment
Discovery Modules
Discovery Modules
Creating Sustainable Futures
Enterprise and Innovation
Ethics, Religion and Law
Exploring the Sciences
Languages and Intercultural understanding
Media, Culture and Creativity
Mind and Body
Personal and Professional Development
Power and Conflict
Technology and its Impacts
Making changes
Attendance and Absences
Academic Dates and Deadlines
Study Support
Study Support
Leeds for Life
Plus Programme
Higher and Degree Apprenticeships
School of Medicine
Lifelong learning centre
Online learning support
Online learning support
Navigating online learning systems
Key dates and locations
Preparing for your assessments
Preparing for your assessments
Online assessments
On-campus assessments
I need help during the assessment period
What happens after the assessment period?
Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity
Artificial intelligence (AI)
Postgraduate research
Postgraduate research
Starting your research
During your research
Thesis Submission and the Viva
Postgraduate researcher policies and procedures
Funding for postgraduate researchers
The Doctoral College
Research practice
If your research is disrupted
Prepare for your graduation ceremony
Leaving the university
Official documentation and regulations
Official documentation and regulations
Feedback and complaints
Feedback and complaints
Responding to your feedback
Research student policies and procedures
Taught student policies and procedures
Paying fees and charges
University scholarships and funds
University scholarships and funds
Leeds Bursary
University Financial Assistance Fund
External funding
External funding
Student loans
American and Canadian student funding
Funding for medics and dentists
NHS Learning Support Fund
Study abroad and work placements
Finding work
Languages for All
The Turing Scheme
Leadership programmes
Support and wellbeing
Support and wellbeing
Counselling and wellbeing
Counselling and wellbeing
Groups and workshops
Togetherall, resources and self help
Your emotional wellbeing
Healthy relationships with yourself and others
Dealing with academic challenges and life stress
Dealing with academic challenges and life stress
Academic stress and challenges
Life stress and challenges
Support for our diverse students
Disabled student support
Disabled student support
Who we support
Setting up your support
Funding for disabled students
Support for disabled students
Your safety
Your safety
Fraud, phishing, scams; don't lose your money
Safety at home
Your personal safety
Medical services and what to do if you're ill
Harassment and misconduct
Harassment and misconduct
Sexual Violence
Your campus experience and life in Leeds
Study abroad
Study abroad
Where can I go?
Prepare to apply
Get ready to go
Get ready to go
Study Abroad funding and costs
During your Study Abroad year
Returning to Leeds
Summer abroad
International students
International students
Prepare for Leeds
Your first weeks at Leeds
Your first weeks at Leeds
International orientation
Complete start-up processes
Opening a bank account
Settle into life at Leeds
Your visa
Global Community
Global Community
Intercultural work and volunteering
Intercultural experiences
Explore Languages and Cultures
Living in the UK
Living in the UK
International families
Work volunteering and your visa
Student Life
Student Life
Your time in Leeds
Finding Your Way Around
Children and Family
Staying Safe
Health and wellbeing
The Leeds Partnership
Laidlaw Leadership and Research Programme
Undergraduate research opportunities
Applications and interviews
Career options
Career options
Starting your own business (SPARK)
Jobs and work experience
Discover your future
Discover your future
Final year support
Leadership programme
For Students
Academic life
Make your first few weeks fantastic
Need to know about
paying your university fees?
Support and wellbeing
Missing home? We can help
Study abroad
Where in the world will you go?
International students
Check the Feeling at Home in Leeds online guides
Student Life
Find your way round campus and beyond
The Leeds Partnership
find your future, with our support!
Academic life
Support and wellbeing
Study abroad
International students
Student Life
The Leeds Partnership
Contact Details:
Academic life