Business advice and mentoring
No matter what stage you are at on your enterprise journey – from having no ideas to wanting to grow your business – our business advisors can help.
In the last two years, we’ve helped students and graduates start over 100 businesses, with some receiving national recognition and coverage.
Pre-start-up advice
Before you start your business, our business advisers can help you to consider:
- your ideas
- what is motivating you to start your own business
- what skills you have in order to start your business.
Our advisors can take you through all stages of business planning, providing specific and confidential advice around finance, planning and marketing.
As well as our dedicated full-time Spark team, we also have links with a range of specialist external advisers, including solicitors, accountants, intellectual property (IP) experts, marketing and business mentors to give you and your business all the help you need.
If you are at the stage in your entrepreneurial journey where it would be useful to get one-to-one specialist advice, you can book a free and confidential appointment with a specialist advisor.
Contact us
For more information about our business advice or how Spark can help you, get in touch:
- Email Spark at
- Phone Spark on +44(0)113 3432551 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm)