Psychometric tests

Psychometric tests are a way for an employer to test your skills and abilities and are a common part of the application process.

How to prepare for psychometric tests

You can access a range of practice tests through our subscription to Graduates First.

Register for Graduates First with your University of Leeds email address.

If you have graduated and no longer have a Leeds email address, email the Careers team at with your name, course, graduation year, and the subject 'Graduates First access'.

There are also plenty of free practice tests available online:

  • Assessment Day – aptitude, situational judgement and personality tests
  • Test Partnership – aptitude, situational judgement and personality tests 
  • Practice Aptitude Tests – aptitude and ability tests
  • EU Careers – verbal and numerical reasoning tests, e-trays, group exercises and translation examples  
  • GOV.UK – guidance for civil service tests.

Personality tests

There are no right or wrong answers for a personality test. The test should be seen as a two-way process to determine whether you and the organisation are a good fit for each other. 

There is no real need to prepare for a personality test, but if you’d like to get an idea of the process you can access a Workstyle Personality questionnaire (WPQ) personality test through our Graduates First subscription.  
You can also find many free personality tests online, for example, the 16 Personalities test.

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