Student contract 2024-25

If you are taking up a place with the University for entry after 1 August 2025 the student contract for 2025-2026 will apply to you.

Student contract 2024-25 entry


1. This document together with the terms of any student offer is the contract between the University of Leeds (“the University”) and its students* (“students”/“you”). This Contract lasts until a student has completed their studies on their course at the University. It is reviewed and updated each year. 

Admissions and important rules

2. Your admission to the University is subject to the requirement that you adhere to the University’s procedures for registration and enrolment. You must comply with the terms and conditions set out in this document including the provisions of the University’s Ordinances and Regulations, guidelines, rules, policies, codes of practice, protocols and procedures (“University rules”). Unless agreed to the contrary you will be expected to comply with the latest versions that are in force at the time.

3. For your academic life at the University, your rights and obligations can be found on the Students site and Governance and Compliance Student Cases site. Here you will find in particular information on how you may change your course and University rules on such issues as attendance/engagement, student discipline, assessment, academic misconduct (such as, cheating, collusion and plagiarism), how to appeal against an academic decision and how to feedback or complain if you are dissatisfied with your experience. To the extent there are any changes to these rights and obligations while you are a student, the University will look to ensure that you suffer no detriment from those changes.

4. For important information concerning the impact of infectious diseases such as COVID-19 please see paragraphs 18 and 19 below. 

5. Your rights and obligations with regard to University services can be found on their websites. In particular please note the user arrangements for the following key services:
•   Library
•   IT (including Minerva
•   Sports facilities  
•   Accommodation services  

6. You must have your identity verified by the University at the beginning of your course. Failure to do this may result in you being withdrawn permanently from your University studies.

7. This Contract is supplemented by the Taught Students Guidance and Research Student Guidance. The University has also developed with the Students’ Union “The Partnership”.

This “Partnership” sets out generally what you should expect from staff and other students, and what will be expected from you as a member of our learning community. You must also adhere to any particular conditions and requirements set out in the University’s offer letter to you, your programme and module specifications and any School/Institute/Faculty guidelines, rules, codes or policies.

8. The offer of a place at the University is usually only valid for the year specified in the University’s offer letter to you. Any fees and charges you are informed of will normally be for the academic year for which you are to register.

9. The University may withdraw or amend its offer to you or terminate your registration at the University if you have made false statements or omitted significant information (a) in your application to the University or (b) at any other time e.g. giving of information connected to the assessment of fees, hardship awards and bursaries. You may be required to withdraw from the University with the termination of its agreement with you in accordance with relevant University rules.

10. The University may terminate its agreement with you, not permit you to re-register for the following year and require you to withdraw from the University if you become unfit to study or otherwise fail to meet your commitments to the University – for example, by the non-payment of academic fees, inappropriate conduct or making unsatisfactory academic progress.

11. Students holding a student visa must adhere to the conditions of their visa and the other responsibilities outlined on the visa responsibilities page. Failure to adhere to these regulations may result in the University withdrawing sponsorship of your student visa, your visa being cancelled and termination of your study.

Delivery, changes and disclaimer

12. Unless otherwise specifically stated to the contrary in course publicity material your course will be taught on the Leeds campus of the University. You may be taught face to face and online using digital technology.

13. The University will provide you with tuition, learning opportunities and other related services, which will lead to the award of the appropriate degree or qualification subject to you successfully fulfilling the requirements of your course. Specific details relating to the delivery of your course will be provided before or at the time of your registration as a student of the University. Latest information on taught courses can be found on our course finder. Latest information on postgraduate research opportunities can be found on our research opportunities page. In the unlikely event that there are any significant changes after you have submitted your application for your course, you will be notified of the changes.

14. As a University student you automatically become a member of the University. The University will provide you with its alumni services; these services form an important and integral part of the University’s long-term commitment to its students. Being a member of the University and the alumni community can give you access to a vast support network and a range of services and opportunities to stay connected with the University and fellow alumni.

15. Information provided by the University such as in presentations, University brochures and the University website, is accurate at the time of first disclosure. However, courses, University services and content of publications remain subject to change. Changes may be necessary to comply with the requirements of accrediting bodies or to keep courses contemporary through updating practices or areas of study. Circumstances may arise outside the reasonable control of the University, leading to required changes. Such circumstances include industrial action (where beyond the control of the University), significant staff illness (where a course is reliant upon a person’s expertise), severe weather, fire, civil disorder, political unrest, government restrictions and serious concern with regard to the transmission of infectious diseases making a course unsafe to deliver.

16. With infectious diseases referred to above the University might need to change course content, methods of delivery or assessment, and related opportunities such as study abroad and placements. In particular the University may deliver teaching online. The University would aim to minimise the impact to students where it can. Changes will only be made when either (a) they are necessary to meet national guidance or regulations; (b) to protect the safety of students or staff; or (c) third parties who assist the University withdraw their help. The University will inform students of any significant changes and provide advice and guidance about the implications of the changes, the options available and confirm any rights of redress. In any event, the University will always look to provide broadly equivalent learning opportunities and ensure that students can achieve the stated learning outcomes. Where required by (a) the law, or (b) accrediting bodies for a course, or (c) third parties assisting in the delivery of a course (such as placement and study abroad providers), or (d) where the University believes it necessary to protect the health of students or others, the University may also require students to be tested for and vaccinated against infectious diseases, and follow relevant guidance and policies. If a student fails to comply with any one of these commitments it may lead to termination of their studies or certain services or opportunities not being available.

17. Offers of a place to study at the University will provide up to date information on courses. The latest key information on taught courses can be found through our course finder. Latest information on postgraduate research opportunities can be found on our PhD site. Please check this website before making any decisions if you are a prospective student. If you are an existing undergraduate student please see the module catalogue and if you are an existing taught postgraduate student see the Taught Postgraduate programme search page for latest course information.

18. If there are significant changes to your course following your acceptance of an offer of a place, we will be in further contact.

19. The University has a Student Protection Plan. The plan sets out the University’s assessment of, and mitigation for, the risks which could affect the continuation of study for our students.

Payment of fees and other charges

20. The responsibility for the timely payment of tuition and accommodation fees and all other charges incurred at the University lies with you. Information on tuition fees, accommodation fees and other relevant charges, including how they may increase and how they should be paid, is specified at For Students/University of Leeds detailed on these pages:
Taught Postgraduates
Research Postgraduates

21. You must make payment promptly on demand for fees and charges due to the University or other parties helping deliver part of your course. Where someone else is responsible for payment on your behalf, you must ensure that they do so. You remain responsible if they do not pay. Additional charges may be levied if payment is not made on time. Payment in full is required in one instalment unless a University instalment plan has been agreed with the University. If arrangements have been made whereby periodic payments fall due on agreed dates, you must make payment on such dates without any further notification from the University. If any fee or charge remains outstanding after the due date, the University reserves the right to withdraw services and terminate its contract with you. The University may take such action (including legal action) as it deems necessary to recover such fee or charge; and, in the case of the non-payment of academic fees, the University may exclude you from the University, withhold any award or prevent your re-registration. 

22. EU students starting their course in the 2021/22 academic year or later will now be classed as international students and so will need to pay the international student tuition fee. 

General student conduct

23. You must be aware of and abide by the University’s disciplinary regulations and codes of conduct; the University has the right to suspend or exclude you on disciplinary grounds. You will be part of the wider community and are expected to comply with COVID-19 restrictions and behave responsibly within the community Community rules and sanctions. You are expected to comply with the University’s Policy on Dignity and Mutual Respect. If you are undertaking a course which, at any point, requires compliance with a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check, you must be aware that if the requisite checks or, the University's ongoing duties of Referral to the DBS result in you being barred from carrying out a role required to be undertaken by the course, the University may have to exclude you from completing that course. If you have a criminal record or are arrested for a criminal offence whilst at the University, you may be required to declare information. Please see Policies, procedures and codes of practice and the Student Cases site for more information. The University also reserves the right to suspend or exclude you from your studies on academic grounds in accordance with the provisions of the General Academic Regulations and procedural regulations (details of which are accessible on the Student Cases page).

24. The University may submit student work for similarity detection (e.g. through the use of Turnitin) in accordance with its Code of Practice.

25. Students during the prescribed periods of study must attend regularly, punctually and in an orderly manner. Unauthorised absence may lead to formal warnings and can even result in your being excluded from the University. For Taught Students please see the University's 'Unsatisfactory Work, Attendance and Engagement Procedure’ and for Postgraduate Research Students see the ‘Progress Support Process’. In addition, for international students, the University has a legal responsibility to report serious cases of non-attendance/engagement to the UK government – since this may affect the validity of a student’s visa. All students must notify their school in advance of any proposed absence. If at any time you have problems which may prevent you from attending sessions or continuing as a student, please talk to your personal tutor/supervisor or a member of student support staff who will do their best to help you. The University requires you to fully co-operate with engagement monitoring. For ease of use the University may implement electronic recording of your engagement (e.g. through monitoring log in details on Minerva or an app on your mobile phone). You will be provided with further information regarding engagement monitoring. Please see and our Attendance Monitoring Policy for further guidance.

26. As a student of the University you are expected to comply with the University’s Anti-Bribery Policy. You may not in particular attempt to bribe University staff. 

Intellectual property rights

27. Where you generate intellectual property rights (e.g. copyright through producing written notes) as part of your academic programme you may (subject to certain exceptions) have sole ownership of those rights. However even where you retain ownership you grant the University a licence to use your material to complete its commitments to you. Please see the University’s Intellectual Property Policy for details of the policy and exceptions.


28. If you have secured a place in University accommodation, this is subject to your continued registration as a student at the University. There are specific terms and conditions that apply to the provision of such accommodation to you (including the process of cancelling your accommodation), details of which are available from the University’s Accommodation Services.

IT facilities

29. You will have access to the use of the University’s IT facilities while you are a registered student at the University. You must be aware of and observe the rules and regulation governing such use as set out in the University’s Information Security Policy and supporting policies, including the Use of Computer Systems Policy. Further information on the policies is available on the IT website

No liability or property

30. The University does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage to your property. You are advised to obtain relevant insurance against theft and other risks.

Withdrawal or cancellation

31. You have a limited period, so called "cooling off period", in which you may change your mind, withdraw from your place/registration and cancel your contract with the University. If you registered as a student under the Student Contract 2022-23 your cooling off rights will continue each year for the duration of your course in accordance with clauses 31a and b of the Student Contract 2022-23. Otherwise your rights of cooling off and withdrawal are as specified below.
a. If you are a postgraduate student your cooling off period will begin in your first year from the date you accept an offer of a place on a course and continue up to 14 days from your start date (as detailed in your offer letter).
b. If you are an undergraduate student your cooling off period will begin in your first year from the date you accept an offer of a place on a course and continue up to 14 days from the first date of teaching. For most undergraduate students in 2024 teaching will start on the start date for teaching in semester 1 as indicated in the University’s Almanac

You must give written notice of your cancellation to the University within the 14 day cooling off period. Please see the cancellation page for further information on your cancellation rights and the statutory cancellation procedure if you wish to use it. You may send your notification of cancellation by email to if a taught student or if a research postgraduate student. If you exercise your rights to cancel you will no longer be a student of the University and your studies will have terminated. If you wish to suspend your studies/take temporary leave, please contact your School to make appropriate arrangements. If you are an international student and have been required to pay a tuition fee deposit, please see below.

32. If you cancel within the cooling off period as required above, the University will refund any tuition fees paid for that coming year; any statutory funding (i.e. from the Student Loans Company) will also be cancelled and repayment may be required. If you are an international student and have been required to pay a tuition fee deposit, the deposit will be refunded as detailed below. After the cooling off period has expired, if you wish to withdraw your registration and cancel this contract, you may do so but you must contact your School in the first instance. Any ongoing commitment to continue payment or right to refund outside of the cooling off period is explained on the tuition fee liability page.33. If you are an international student and have been required to pay a tuition fee deposit, you have two cooling off periods.
a. The first period relates to the refund of your deposit. The first period is up to 14 days after the University confirms to you by email that it has received your deposit. During this first period you can request in writing a return of your deposit and it will be then refunded. Outside of this period only in very exceptional circumstances will your deposit be refunded e.g. if your student visa application has been refused. If your deposit is refunded, your application will then be cancelled.
b. The second cooling off period, which does not relate to the refund of your deposit but can lead to the refund of any tuition fees paid, is the same as for all other students (please see above). 

For further information visit the postgraduate fees and guidance page and the taking time out or leaving Leeds early page.

33. If you are an international student and have been required to pay a tuition fee deposit, you have two cooling off periods.
a. The first period relates to the refund of your deposit. The first period is up to 14 days after the University confirms to you by email that it has received your deposit. During this first period you can request in writing a return of your deposit and it will be then refunded. Outside of this period only in very exceptional circumstances will your deposit be refunded e.g. if your student visa application has been refused. If your deposit is refunded, your application will then be cancelled.
b. The second cooling off period, which does not relate to the refund of your deposit but can lead to the refund of any tuition fees paid, is the same as for all other students (please see above). 
For further information visit the postgraduate guidance page and the taking time out or leaving early page.

Data protection, lecture capture and publicity photography

34. The University will process students’ personal data for the administration of their position as a student, including the use of University services such as alumni activities, residential services, lecture capture, engagement monitoring, learning analytics, the Library and sports facilities. The University may share student personal data with third parties such as HESA and other relevant educational providers. Please see the University’s Student Privacy Notice. For more information on the University’s approach to data protection please see the data protection page. For more information about learning analytics, see our Code of Practice. If you have any queries relating to the University’s use of your personal data, please address your queries to the University’s Data Protection Officer via

35. The University will regularly record educational activities in which you may be involved. This recording is to take place in accordance with the University’s Policy on Audio or Video Recording for Educational Purposes. Please note that under this Policy all rights in a recording will be retained by the University and generally you are not entitled to record University educational activities yourself. It is assumed that you generally agree to being recorded, but there is a right to opt out and request an edit of recordings. Please read the Policy to understand your rights and obligations.

36. The University may provide webcasts of its degree ceremonies which will remain accessible for years after the event. The University may also from time to time take photographs or videos of you for later publicity purposes. Where practical to do so the University will endeavour to alert you when it wishes to do this, giving you an opportunity to request that you not be included. When the photograph is taken or the video filmed in a public place or on a public occasion, it may not be practical for the University to contact you in this way. If you do not wish ever to appear in a photograph or video used for publicity purposes, you should contact the data protection officer (see above) to explore the options.

Health and safety

37. You must abide by the University’s Health & Safety Policy. You have a legal duty to take reasonable care to avoid injury to yourself or to others and not interfere with or misuse any clothing or equipment provided to protect your health & safety. If you suffer from a medical condition which may be caused by, or made worse by study activities, you should notify your Head of School. You should check the Health and Safety Services website for information on relevant topics and report immediately to your academic tutor any accident, injury, near miss, unsafe working conditions or suspected faults in the buildings or equipment. The University is now a smoke free campus, your co-operation is required. 

Notices and communication

38. Any notice or other information that is required to be given by either the University or you relating to the contract between the University and yourself must be in writing and may be given by hand or sent by post or email. The University and its Schools, Institutes and Services may also draw your attention to important information through announcements on the University's website, Minerva (the student portal) and through messages displayed on the computer desktop when you log-on to the University network. You will be responsible for informing the University of any change in your contact details. Communications will be sent to your last known contact points and will be deemed to have been properly given.

39. The common method of communication between you and the University will be by email using your University email account. You must very regularly check your University email account for information. If you don’t check your University email account you may miss out on important matters. The University will not be liable if you fail to be aware of information because you have not read emails sent from the University.


40. The contract between you and the University shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and the parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

41. If any provision of the contract, formed by your acceptance of the University’s offer of admission, is held to be void or unenforceable in whole or in part by any court or other competent authority, that contract shall continue to be valid as to the other provisions contained in it and the remainder of the affected provision.

42. The University’s contract with its students does not confer third party benefits for the purposes of the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

Regulation of university activities

43. The University is regulated by the Office for Students. It is also required to comply with quality standards established by the Quality Assurance Agency

Questions or complaints

44. Questions about this agreement or the application of University rules should be addressed to the University Secretary, either by email to or by letter to the University Secretary’s Office, Marjorie & Arnold Ziff Building, The University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT. Telephone +44 (0)113 3434011.

45. Should you be dissatisfied with an aspect of the handling of your application or issues affecting the quality of your student experience, you should address such concerns to the University Complaints Officer who can be contacted by email at or by letter at Governance and Compliance, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT. See the Governance and Compliance student complaints page for more information. 

The University is subject to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator Complaints Scheme.

46. The address of the University of Leeds is Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK. Telephone number for the University of Leeds is +44 (0)113 2431751.

* Students include University undergraduate students, taught postgraduate students and postgraduate research students.
