About the Leeds Partnership

The Leeds Partnership is a set of shared expectations created and agreed by:

  • the University of Leeds
  • Leeds University Union
  • staff
  • students.

The Leeds Partnership commitments

The three core commitments of The Leeds Partnership are that both students and staff should:

  • be responsible, accessible and respectful
  • prepare for, engage with and contribute to learning at Leeds
  • help each other to reflect, develop and improve.

The Leeds Partnership reflects and sets agreements and expectations not only between staff and students, but also within groups on a peer-to-peer level.

The Leeds Partnership is a recognition of the fact that being part of the University community is a participatory process.

It recognises students and staff are responsible for making the most of opportunities available. 

What the Partnership means for you

Leeds University Union and the University have worked together to ensure everyone within the University community understands and uses The Leeds Partnership.

For example, teaching schools engage both staff and students to implement and embed The Leeds Partnership’s values and ethos.

This happens through activities such as:

  • regular programme meetings between students and teaching staff
  • strong student representation on school Student Staff Partnership Forums, including student society representatives
  • and the inclusion of students in recruitment of academic staff and prospective students.

Students sit on the University’s major committees. They input into decision-making at the highest levels to shape the future of the University.


The Leeds Partnership describes the mutual expectations of us all as members of the University community. These are:

  • active engagement in the co-creation of knowledge, innovative learning and developmental opportunities
  • respect for the views and opinions of others
  • effective and positive teamwork
  • fair, inclusive and equitable treatment
  • seeking, giving and acting on timely, relevant and effective feedback, in dialogue with others
  • active engagement with a variety of learning opportunities
  • open, effective and timely communication
  • receptive and proactive responses to change
  • an understanding of the University’s mission and values, and transformative ambition
  • reliable fulfilment of our commitments to one another
  • recognition and celebration of the diversity of our global University community
  • a culture of collaboration.

These key expectations inform relationships between all members of the University community, including staff and students.

The Leeds Partnership in practice

The Leeds Partnership expectations can mean different things to schools and services. It's important to consider what it means in practice in your area.

You may find it useful to discuss what The Leeds Partnership means during:

  • induction week
  • Student Staff Partnership Forums
  • designated workshops.

You might discuss:

  • how you interpret different elements of The Leeds Partnership
  • how you can show The Leeds Partnership in action
  • what you can do if your expectations are not met.

Student representation

We work with Leeds University Union (LUU) to support strong, student-led representation. There is one student representative per teaching group.

They will represent students at Student Staff Partnership Forum (SSPF) meetings.

This involves more students actively listening to students' opinions. They then pass views on to those attending SSPF and School or Faculty Taught Student Education Committees.

This creates more opportunities for:

  • students to become representatives
  • student voices to be heard
  • positive, mutually beneficial change.

The minutes of the SSPF are available to all students, either online or on a notice board.

Students can find out who their school representative is by asking the student support staff in their school or by through the Leeds University Union website.

Find out more about the student representative system.

Planning and feedback

Students take part in the preparation and review of annual school action plans. This happens through channels including:

  • the SSPF and School Taught Student Education Committees
  • informal means such as academic personal tutorials
  • and student-led focus groups.

Student focus groups may also form in response to the results of student-led feedback and the National Student Survey. These groups can provide input into guidelines for academic feedback.

Schools may offer internship opportunities for students to work on a range of strategic issues For example, employability and communications.

Students may be consulted in planning for changes to teaching spaces. For example, improvements to the physical and virtual layout of University teaching spaces.

Students are actively involved in developing new programmes and reviewing curriculum changes.

Staff and student recruitment

The University invites students to observe presentations during the academic staff recruitment process.

Students and staff may collaborate in the recruitment of future students. For example, attendance at open days and UCAS applicant days.

The Partnership Awards

The Partnership Awards celebrate staff and students who put The Leeds Partnership into practice.

The Awards take place each year and recognise where the value of the Leeds Partnership reflects in teaching, learning, projects and behaviour as an essential part of the student experience at Leeds.

Giving feedback on The Leeds Partnership

If you feel that any of the expectations in The Leeds Partnership aren't met, speak to your personal tutor or course rep first.

If it relates to a service, please try their helpdesk or reception as a first contact.
