How we respond to your feedback

We use surveys to enhance your courses and programmes and improve the student experience.

Many of the initiatives you see at the University are in response to feedback.

Which surveys we carry out

The surveys we ask students to complete include:

  • National Student Survey (NSS) for final-year undergraduates.
  • Undergraduate Programme Survey for non-final year undergraduates.
  • Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey for taught postgraduates.
  • Postgraduate Research Experience Survey for research postgraduates.

How we collect feedback

At Leeds, several kinds of student representatives gather feedback. They present this feedback to different meetings and committees.

Course representatives

Course representatives work at programme level to gather feedback for the Student Staff Partnership Forum. The forum is a student-led meeting to present feedback to staff and receive responses. 

School representatives and faculty officers

School representatives and faculty officers represent the whole of their school or faculty. They work with course representatives to identify common themes in student feedback.

They take it to meetings where it's used to help shape and create University policies.  

Postgraduate researcher representatives

Postgraduate researcher representatives do the same job as school representatives for postgraduate research students.  

Leeds University Union (LUU) Student Executive

Members of LUU’s Student Executive attend numerous meetings at university level on students’ behalf. They highlight relevant student feedback to influence decisions and policies.

How your feedback drives change

Each school produces an action plan. The plan responds to student feedback in survey results (including the National Student Survey).

School action plans are developed in partnership with school representatives. They are regularly updated throughout the academic year.

They’re routinely considered at school Taught Education Committees and Faculty Taught Student Education Committees.

External examiner reports and responses

External examiners produce annual reports. The reports focus on the quality and standards of each programme and the fairness of the assessment procedures.

Each School reviews and responds to the report. Reports inform developments related to modules and programmes and the School action plan.

Email the Quality Assurance Team at if you’d like to view external examiner reports and responses.
