Attendance and absences

Check in to teaching or report an absence

  • Check in on campus

    You must check in to each session so we can record your attendance and support you during your studies. Find out how it works.

  • Report an absence

    How to get your absence authorised and what happens if you are ill.

Why we monitor attendance

Monitoring your attendance and engagement is a key way to help us identify if you might need some extra help and support.

We also use attendance data to make sure we meet our regulatory and statutory compliance requirements.

For example, not having your attendance information could impact your student loan funding, or for international or sponsored students, it could impact visas and sponsor funding. If you are on a clinical, practice based or professional programme, it could mean you don’t meet the professional requirements of the programme.

See our full University Attendance and Engagement policy for more information.

Attendances and absences