Ways to give feedback

We strive to listen to students’ feedback to make sure you have a great experience.  

Your suggestions are taken seriously, and your views are a key factor in our decision making.  

Here are some of the many ways you can make your voice heard. 

Give feedback to staff 

You can give feedback to any staff members, whether they’re your teachers, academic personal tutors, school leaders or support staff in your school.

Student representation

We have a large network of student representatives (reps), including course reps, school reps, postgraduate researcher (PGR) reps and faculty officers. They’re coordinated and supported by Leeds University Union (LUU).  

Reps listen to your feedback and make sure it goes to the right place. They also represent student views at University meetings, including the Student Staff Partnership Forum. This is a student-led meeting where students and staff work together to improve the student experience.  

Find out more about student reps and how to become one.

LUU Education Officer 

The Education Officer is one of six annually-elected members of the Student Executive. They work with students and reps to improve the student experience, including academic matters, learning resources, course issues and educational policy. 


You can tell us what works well and what needs improvement by completing our regular surveys. 

Find out more about student surveys.

Advisory boards and student panels 

Advisory boards and student panels invite students to speak from their own experience to make a positive impact on equality and inclusivity.  

Boards and panels usually ask students to advise on a specific aspect of student experience or studying in a specific faculty, for example: 

You can find out about other advisory boards and student panels via emails from schools, faculties and groups you belong to.


If you need to raise an official complaint, or a grievance with an individual, you can find information on the student complaints page.
