Exam venues and sub-offices

Find out which sub-office is responsible for the administration of your exam and where the office is.

Exam supervisors at the sub-offices will help you with any exam problems, such as lost property, finding rooms, and illness.

Sub-office locations and contacts

During the January and May/June assessment periods, there are normally two main examination sub-offices (main and Sports Hall) and a smaller sub-office in the Liberty Building for speaking exams.

In the August assessment period, usually only one sub-office will be open.

Main sub-office

The main sub-office is responsible for exam venues in the following buildings:

Sports Hall sub-office

The Sports Hall sub-office is responsible for exam venues in the following buildings:

Liberty Building sub-office

The Liberty Building sub-office is used for speaking exams. Please contact the main sub-office about any exam problems.

Lost property in exams

Lost property found in exam venues will be taken to the nearest sub-office.

At the end of the assessment period, uncollected items will be moved to the Assessment and Progress office in the Marjorie and Arnold Ziff Building.

If you have a query about a specific item you left in an exam, email the Lost Property team examinationslostproperty@leeds.ac.uk with details of where and when you lost the item and a clear desciption of the item.
