University assessments

Understand the assessment process at the University and make sure you're familiar with important information about your own assessments.
Access past papers, find out how to prepare for assessments, understand the different types of assessments, find out when your assessment timetable will be published and when you will be able to find out your results.
Prepare for your assessments
Past papers
View past exam papers to help you to revise and understand what to expect on your assessment day.
Assessment timetables
Find out more about assessment periods and when your assessment timetable will be published.
Academic integrity
Understand what plagiarism is, how to avoid it and access the University's policies on academic integrity.
Types of assessments
Online assessments
Find out how to prepare for an online assessment.
On-campus assessments
Find out how to prepare for an assessment on campus.
After your assessments
Degree classification
Understand how degree classification works and access our classification calculators.
Find out when your provisional and final results will be available and how to view them online.
Resitting your assessments
Find out about different types of resits, whether you are eligible, when you can take resits and how to apply.