Getting help from others on your work/assessments

You must not allow someone else to do your work for you.

It is not permitted for another person to:

  • complete an entire piece of work for you
  • help you with planning and researching
  • contribute partly to the drafting and/or writing of your work
  • proofread, edit or rewrite your work.


By allowing someone else to do your work you deliberately mislead markers about your ability and knowledge. Accepting help, even from family and friends, is a breach of academic integrity and could result in permanent exclusion from the University. 

For more information on what happens if you are found to be in breach of these rules, see the Academic Misconduct procedure available on the Student cases page. 

How to avoid penalties

If you are struggling with your work for any reason, you should seek support from your academic personal tutor or other University staff.

  1. Ignore claims from online essay and proofreading sites, or from other students, that the University approves of their use. Never contact these sites.
  2. Never ask family or friends to do work for you. Say ‘no’ if they offer to provide you with ideas or answers.
  3. If you are struggling with work, or personal difficulties, seek support from your academic personal tutor or other University staff.

Working with others on an individual assessment (collusion)

You must not work with others on assessment intended to be produced independently.

Working with others is an important part of academic life. However, it can raise integrity issues if it prevents markers from assessing your individual efforts and understanding. 

How to avoid problems with collusion

  • You can discuss module content with classmates, but do not share or collaborate on specific answers or assessment strategies. All assessment work must be your own.
  • Make sure you are clear about which are group tasks and which are individual tasks – ask your tutor or module leader if you are unsure.
  • Never ask to see someone else’s notes or work.
  • Protect your own notes and work, ensuring that they cannot be copied by anyone else.

Online essay writing and proofreading websites 

Online essay writing and proofreading websites are illegal in the UK, and you should not use them.

If you encounter any, email the Integrity Threats team at or contact the Leeds University Union (LUU) Help and Support team.

Declarations of academic integrity

When you submit for assessment, you are declaring to the University that your work is your own.

You also confirm that you have read and understood the University’s definition of academic integrity and the University’s rules on academic misconduct. 

For more information about the University expectations of working with academic integrity and support available to you, see the Library’s information on academic integrity.
