Re-using your own work

You must not resubmit work that has already been submitted for assessment, whether at this University or any other educational institution, including schools and colleges. 

Why you should not reuse your own work

We expect that your academic understanding will develop over time, meaning that it is inappropriate to re-use earlier work. It would also be unfair to award you marks more than once for the same piece of work and could be a breach of academic integrity. 

For more information on what happens if you are found to be in breach of these rules, see the Academic Misconduct procedure available on the Student cases page. 

How to avoid reusing your own work

  • Check the exact nature of the assessment you are working on – there may be exceptions to the ban on re-use if an assignment is intended to help you to design or prepare for a later piece of work. 
  • If you refer to previous work, make sure to update your approach to show how it’s relevant to the current task and how your understanding has developed. Focus on new reading and thinking to develop your understanding. 

If you are struggling with your work for any reason, you should seek support from your academic personal tutor or other University staff. 
