Resits for external students
External students may be eligible to resit assessments in an academic session.
Eligibility to resit assessments as an external student
Students are eligible to resit assessments as an external student in an academic session if:
- they have not met the progression requirements for their programme of study; and
- they have resit opportunities remaining for failed modules; and
- they are within the time period allowed by University regulations to complete their programme of study; and
- they apply online no later than the published deadline.
Resitting as an external student
External students must take the exam for the failed module the next time it is offered by the school where the module is taught. For example, if they are resitting a module which is taught in Semester One, they will take the exam in the Semester One exam period and if they are resitting a module which is taught in Semester Two, they will take the exam in the Semester Two exam period.
External students will be informed by the teaching school if there are any changes to this practice i.e. if a module is assessed in a different semester from that in which it is taught.
- If the module is no longer taught, or there are changes to the learning outcomes or the content of the module, external students will be set an assessment which enables them to meet the learning outcomes and covers the content of the module they originally studied.
- External students will receive a personal copy of their exam timetable via Minerva on being enrolled by the University to resit the assessment.
- If an external student is resitting assessments other than examinations, the work the student will need to complete will be sent to them by the teaching school where the module is taught with an appropriate deadline.
What external students can access
- University computing facilities
- the University Library
- their Student Identification Card
- Minerva
- content on the VLE for their original Year of study. If additional access is required to enable the external student to resit assessments, this will need to be agreed and facilitated by their teaching school
- applications for Financial Assistance Fund at the University if they experience unexpected financial hardship
- exemption from paying Council Tax
- support and help from Leeds University Union Student Advice (but not other LUU membership benefits)
- up to one month from student mental health and wellbeing support, to discuss needs and liaise with support services external to the university
- the University Student Complaints Procedure in relation to services received as an external student
- appeals against results from examinations and assessments under the University Student Appeals Procedure.
External students cannot
- be liable for tuition fees, though they are liable for resit fees
- attend lectures, laboratory work, classes, tutorial periods or any other timetabled teaching activity
- resit assessments in a different module from the module failed
- access funding or support through Disabled Students Allowance (DSA). An external student does not qualify for funding or support through DSA but may be still be able to access support funded by the University. The funding/support may not be like for like the support they had via DSA, and each student’s needs will be looked at on a case by case basis, but being external will not in itself be a barrier to support
- receive financial support from Student Finance, including tuition fee loans, maintenance loans and maintenance grants as the University is unable to confirm attendance or registration
- receive Leeds Financial Support.
Student visa holders
Student visa holders will have their UKVI sponsorship withdrawn and are not eligible for a CAS while they have external status. If they successfully pass their modules as an external student, they will need to make a fresh visa application.
Further information is available to students by visiting the Applying for your visa outside the UK page.
Students visa holders may in some circumstances be able to apply for a new visa before their results are known. The Student Visa Advice Team can provide guidance on new visa applications.
Further advice and guidance for external students
External students can also ask for further advice and help from:
- Student Information Service
- Leeds University Union
- the Library
- Funding and Finance
- the Student Visa Advice Team.
Version Number 3.0
Date of version: 7 Mar 2023
Updater: KF/NC
Owning department: Operations
Contact: email the Student Records and Reporting team: or email the Central Assessment Team: