Postgraduate research policies and procedures
As a postgraduate researcher (PGR), you need to be aware of certain administrative guidelines, procedures and codes of practice during your time at Leeds.
If you require any of these documents in an alternative format, please email email the Doctoral College at
Postgraduate research handbook
- Doctoral College 2024 – 25 handbook annexes – all faculties and schools (PDF)
- Doctoral College 2024 – 25 hanbook annex – LUBS (PDF)
For copies of Doctoral College handbooks from previous year email the Doctoral College at
We recommend that student regularly check the Postgraduate researcher section of this website for the most up to date information.
Code of Practice for Research Degree Candidatures
This Code sets out a framework of shared responsibilities between the University, supervisors and candidates with the aim of delivering successful research degree programmes and to inspire all our research students to develop their full potential. The Code also outlines the minimum standards students can expect in connection with the supervision of their research degree study.
Code of practice for research degree candidatures (PDF)
For those PGRs registered in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures for a research project which is defined as practice-led, a supplementary protocol for practice-led research degree candidatures is provided which includes details of arrangements specific to practice-led research and assessment.
Protocol for practice-led research degree candidatures (from November 2023) (PDF)
The previous practice-led protocol is provided for reference:
Previous Arts, Humanities and Cultures practice-led protocol (to October 2023) (PDF)
For those PGRs registered at Leeds Trinity University or York St John University please contact the relevant institution regarding the implementation of the University’s Code of Practice and Practice-led Protocols.
Progress, assessment and monitoring
Thesis submission and examination
Guide for candidates referred for resubmission (PDF)
Guidelines on the use of solely or jointly-authored publications within a thesis submission (PDF)
Inclusion of supplementary material within a thesis submission for examination (DOC)
Reasonable adjustments and support for PGR level assessment/examination (PDF)
Diploma supplement and statement: guidance and information (PDF)
Protocol for the format and presentation of an alternative style of doctoral thesis including published material:
- for candidates registered in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures (PDF)
- for candidates registered in the Faculty of Environment (PDF)
- for candidates registered in the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences (PDF)
- for candidates registered in the Faculty of Biological Sciences (PDF)
- for candidates registered in the Faculty of Medicine and Health
For supervisors, Directors of Postgraduate Research and assessors/examiners
For information for staff supporting PGRs (for example supervisors and Directors of Postgraduate Research Studies) please see the Doctoral College pages of the Staff Intranet.
Criteria for the appointment of examiners and independent chairs
Annual progress review (post-transfer) guidance (PDF)
Increasing bench fees after registration: guidance and form (DOC)
Research degree examiners additional information
Guide for external examiner briefings (DOC)
Formal regulations
- Director of Postgraduate Research Studies role description 2024-25 (DOC)
- Head of Graduate School role description 2024-25 (DOC)
- Intellectual property rights
- Student contract
- Leeds Partnership
- University General Academic Regulations
- University Code of Practice on Data Protection
- Code of Practice for Postgraduate Research Students Engaged in Teaching (PDF)
- Equality and diversity policies
- Periodic review (PDF)
Complaints, appeals and disciplinary matters
PGR academic misconduct procedures (For submissions made on or after 01 September 2024) (PDF)
PGR academic misconduct procedures (For submissions made up to 31 August 2024) (PDF)
For the following regulations and procedures relating to complaints, appeals and disciplinary matters please visit the Governance and Compliance website.
- General University Disciplinary regulation
- Student complaints procedure
- Academic appeals
- Cheating, plagiarism, fraudulent or fabricated coursework, and malpractice in university examinations and assessments
- Whistleblowing
- Student health and conduct
- Retention of and access to personal data
Engaging in good research practice
For a comprehensive list of policies relating to research practice please see the following websites:
- Safeguarding data
- Regulations for use of Library
- Policy on publications
- Protocol for investigating and resolving allegations of misconduct in academic research
- Research ethics and research integrity
- Research misconduct
- Information protection policy
Ordinance and regulations and programmes of study for research degrees
Ordinances define the qualifications the University awards and the associated regulations. They form part of the University Constitution. The full set of ordinances is held on the Governance and Compliance website. They include:
- Ordinance X (research degrees)
- Ordinance IX (first degrees and undergraduate awards)
- Ordinance XI (taught postgraduate awards)
- Ordinance XII (higher doctorates)
Ordinance X relates directly to postgraduate researchers and provides details of the general University regulations regarding entry requirements, assessment of progress, time limits for examination and the criteria that must be met before a research degree can be awarded.
Programmes of study for research degree awards 2024/25
See the ‘Ordinances for previous academic years’ section for previous years’ ordinances.
Doctoral Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (PDF)
- Doctor of Medicine (MD) (PDF)
- Doctor of Paediatric Dentistry (DPaedDent) 2023/24 (PDF)
- Doctor of Education (EdD) (PDF)
- Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsychol) (PDF)
- Doctor of Clinical Education (DClinEdD) 2023/24 (PDF)
- Master by Research (PDF)
- Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (PDF)
Integrated degrees of PhD and Master
- Integrated degrees of PhD and Master (General) (PDF)
- Integrated degree of PhD and MSc (Medical and Biological Engineering) (PDF)
- Integrated degree of PhD and MSc (Bioenergy) (PDF)
- Integrated degree of PhD and MSc (Fluid Dynamics) Full-time (PDF)
- Integrated degree of PhD and MSc (Fluid Dynamics) Part-time (PDF)
- Integrated degree of PhD and MSc (Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine - Innovation in Medical and Biological Engineering) (PDF)
- Integrated degree of PhD and MSc (Complex Particulate Products and Processes) (PDF)
- Integrated degree of PhD and MSc (Data Analytics and Society) (PDF)
- Integrated degree of PhD and MSc (Artificial Intelligence for Medical Diagnosis and Care) (PDF)
4 Year PhDs
- 4 year PhD – Integrated Tribology (PDF)
- 4 year PhD – Physics Studies
- 4 year PhD – Soft Matter and Functional Interfaces (PDF)
- 4 year PhD – Soft Matter for Formulation and Industrial Innovation (SOFI2) (PDF)
- 4 year PhD – Anatomy (PDF)
- 4 year PhD – Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes (PDF)
- 4 year PhD – Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease (PDF)
- 4 Year PhD – Aerosol Science (PDF)
- 4 Year PhD – Aerosol Science (part time) (PDF)
- 4 Year PhD – Medicine, Health and Human Disease (PDF)
- 4 Year PhD – Molecules to Product (PDF)
- 4 Year PhD – Nuclear Energy - GREEN (Growing skills for Reliable Economic Energy from Nuclear) (PDF)
- 4 Year PhD – WISER (Water and Waste Infrastructure and Services Engineered for Resilience) (PDF)
- 4 Year PhD – CDT SENSE: Satellite Data in Environmental Science (PDF)
- 4 Year PhD – Medical Research (PDF)
- 4 Year PhD – Nuclear Science and Engineering (PDF)
- 4 Year PhD – Materials (PDF)
- 4 Year PhD – Biological Sciences (PDF)
- 4 Year PhD – TARGET CDT (PDF)
Dual Award PhDs
- Leeds University – University of Coimbra (2020-2023 only: this programme is no longer recruiting) (PDF)
- Leeds University – University of Ljubljana (2020-2023 only: this programme is no longer recruiting) (PDF)
- Leeds University – Lulea Technical University (2020-2024 only: this programme is no longer recruiting) (PDF)
- Leeds University – Nanjing University (PDF)
- Leeds University – Beijing Jiaotong University (PDF)
- Leeds University – Petroleum University of China (QingDao Campus) (UPC) (PDF)
- Leeds University – Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU) – 3 Year (PDF)
- Leeds University – Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU) – 4 Year (PDF)
Doctoral Training Partnerships
- Doctor of Philosophy with Researcher Employability Project (PDF)
- Doctor of Philosophy with Research in Practice – White Rose DTP (3.5 years) (PDF)
- Doctor of Philosophy with Research in Practice with Integrated Postgraduate Certificate – White Rose DTP (3.75 years) (PDF)
Ordinances for previous academic year
- 2015/16 Ordinances combined (PDF)
- 2016/17 Ordinances combined (PDF)
- 2017/18 Ordinances combined (PDF)
- 2018/19 Ordinances combined (PDF)
- 2019/20 Ordinances combined (PDF)
- 2020/21 Ordinances combined (PDF)
- 2021/22 Ordinances combined (PDF)
- 2022/23 Ordinances combined (PDF)
- 2023/24 Ordinances: available on the Student Education Service website.