Postgraduate research policies and procedures

As a postgraduate researcher (PGR), you need to be aware of certain administrative guidelines, procedures and codes of practice during your time at Leeds. 

If you require any of these documents in an alternative format, please email email the Doctoral College at

Postgraduate research handbook

Code of Practice for Research Degree Candidatures

This Code sets out a framework of shared responsibilities between the University, supervisors and candidates with the aim of delivering successful research degree programmes and to inspire all our research students to develop their full potential. The Code also outlines the minimum standards students can expect in connection with the supervision of their research degree study. 

Code of practice for research degree candidatures (PDF)

For those PGRs registered in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures for a research project which is defined as practice-led, a supplementary protocol for practice-led research degree candidatures is provided which includes details of arrangements specific to practice-led research and assessment. 

Protocol for practice-led research degree candidatures (from November 2023) (PDF)

The previous practice-led protocol is provided for reference:

Previous Arts, Humanities and Cultures practice-led protocol (to October 2023) (PDF)

For those PGRs registered at Leeds Trinity University or York St John University please contact the relevant institution regarding the implementation of the University’s Code of Practice and Practice-led Protocols. 

Complaints, appeals and disciplinary matters

PGR academic misconduct procedures (For submissions made on or after 01 September 2024)  (PDF)

PGR academic misconduct procedures (For submissions made up to 31 August 2024)  (PDF)

PGR Turnitin guidance (PDF)

Procedures for investigating plagiarism in research degree work prior to and within the submission for a research degree

For the following regulations and procedures relating to complaints, appeals and disciplinary matters please visit the Governance and Compliance website.

  • General University Disciplinary regulation
  • Student complaints procedure
  • Academic appeals
  • Cheating, plagiarism, fraudulent or fabricated coursework, and malpractice in university examinations and assessments
  • Whistleblowing
  • Student health and conduct
  • Retention of and access to personal data

Engaging in good research practice

For a comprehensive list of policies relating to research practice please see the following websites:


  • Safeguarding data
  • Regulations for use of Library
  • Policy on publications

Research Innovation Service

  • Protocol for investigating and resolving allegations of misconduct in academic research
  • Research ethics and research integrity
  • Research misconduct


  • Information protection policy 

Ordinance and regulations and programmes of study for research degrees

Ordinances define the qualifications the University awards and the associated regulations. They form part of the University Constitution. The full set of ordinances is held on the Governance and Compliance website. They include:

Ordinance X relates directly to postgraduate researchers and provides details of the general University regulations regarding entry requirements, assessment of progress, time limits for examination and the criteria that must be met before a research degree can be awarded.

Programmes of study for research degree awards 2024/25

See the ‘Ordinances for previous academic years’ section for previous years’ ordinances.

Doctoral Degrees
Integrated degrees of PhD and Master
 4 Year PhDs
 Dual Award PhDs
 Doctoral Training Partnerships

Ordinances for previous academic year
