Contact your Graduate School

Your Graduate School is your main point of contact for any questions about your programme, or anything relating to your studies.

This page is for current postgraduate researchers, if you are applying for a research postgraduate degree, please visit the Applying for research degrees page.

Graduate Schools

Each faculty has a Graduate School, which is led by an academic Head of Graduate School.

The Graduate Schools work under the Doctoral College and work to strengthen research degree arrangements and provide a consistent experience for all postgraduate researchers.

Graduate School staff can support you in all aspects of your research degree such as registration, milestones, student support and funding.

They can advise, provide information or signpost you to the right person to speak to.

Graduate School contacts and office hours

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures Graduate School

Email the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures (AHC) Graduate School at

The AHC Graduate School team are based in 29 Clarendon Place.

Their office is fob access only. Please email the team to make an appointment.

Faculty of Biological Sciences Graduate School

Email the Faculty of Biological Sciences (FBS) Graduate School at

The FBS Graduate School team are based in the L C Miall Building.

You can visit the FBS reception desk between 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday to speak to a member of the team.

Please note that there may be times when the team are unavailable due to meetings.  

Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences Graduate School

Email the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences Graduate School at

The EPS Graduate School team are based in Room 1.08 in the School of Civil Engineering.

You can visit their office between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday to speak to a member of the team.

Faculty of Environment Graduate School

Email the Faculty of Environment Graduate School at

The Environment Graduate School team are based in Room 1.08 in the School of Civil Engineering.

You can visit their office between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday to speak to a member of the team.

Faculty of Medicine and Health Graduate School

Email the Faculty of Medicine and Health (FMH) Graduate School at

The FMH Graduate School team are based in the L C Miall Building.

You can visit the FMH reception desk between 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday to speak to a member of the team.

Please note that there may be times when the team are unavailable due to meetings.

Faculty of Social Sciences Graduate School

Email the Faculty of Social Sciences (FOSS) Graduate School at

The FOSS Graduate School team are based in 29 Clarendon Place.

Their office is fob access only. Please email the team to make an appointment.

Leeds University Business School (LUBS) Graduate School

Email the Leeds University Business School (LUBS) Graduate School at

The LUBS Graduate School team are based in 21 Lyddon Terrace.

Their office is fob access only. Please email the team to make an appointment.

If you are unsure which Graduate School to contact, or if you think your query might be for someone else but you aren’t sure who, email the Doctoral College at and your query will be directed to the correct team.
