Postgraduate research diversity

The PGR Diversity team is based in Educational Engagement and aims to address inequalities faced by underrepresented groups in relation to accessing and succeeding in postgraduate research study. 

The team consists of two sub-teams with responsibility for two areas of work:

  • Access and Contextual Admissions
  • Student Success.

Our work is informed by the University’s Access and Student Success Strategy 2025 (PDF), and aims to address inequalities faced by underrepresented groups in relation to accessing and succeeding in postgraduate research study. 

Areas of work

As a team, we work across six workstreams as outlined on our Sharepoint site and the PGR Diversity Team section of the Induction site.

Who can get involved?

Any PGR student who self-identifies as coming from any of the under-represented groups below: 

  • Black, Asian, or Minoritised Ethnicity 
  • Mature Student 
  • Carer / Caring Responsibilities 
  • Person with a Disability 
  • First in your family to engage in a PGR degree 
  • Care Experienced 
  • Working Class 
  • Gypsy, Roma, Traveller 
  • Refugee / Asylum Seeker 
  • International Student 

We also work very closely with the Doctoral College, Graduate Schools and their schools/ departments, Leeds University Union, as well as other services across the university such as the Careers and Disability Services. 

How to get involved

Email the PGR Diversity team at or sign up to our mailing list to find out about events and support available for PGRs. 

The Yorkshire Consortium for Equity in Doctoral Education (YCEDE)

YCEDE identifies and addresses barriers to postgraduate study for UK fee status, ethnically minoritised students.

A consortium of the Universities of Leeds, Bradford, York, Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam, it looks at international best practice on accessing and studying as a postgraduate researcher.

The four YCEDE workstreams include:

  • Improving access to postgraduate research (PGR) degrees
  • PGR recruitment and election for equity and diversity
  • Enhancing the on-course PGR experience
  • Evaluating and disseminating our activities.

Support is available for current PGRs from UK ethnically minoritised backgrounds in the form of mentoring, networking and paid opportunities in outreach. Visit the YCEDE website or speak to someone in the PGR Diversity Team for more information.
