Postgraduate researcher training and research skills
Accessing training for your individual circumstances will help you to complete your research on time and achieve your personal and professional development goals.
Accessing training resources and providers
Organisational Development and Professional Learning
Organisational Development and Professional Learning (OD&PL) are the University’s primary training and development provider.
They provide short courses, one-to-one advice, coaching, mentoring, personal development planning and online resources for PGRs and staff.
BOOST is OD&PL's programme to support the career development of researchers and offers workshops, resources and discussions to equip you with the skills and confidence to take control of your career.
Researcher@Library offers workshops and webinars for support with literature searching, open access, research data management, using EndNote, and increasing the visibility of your research.
LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning offers over 5,000 short courses across business, creative, technical specialties and research software and coding. All students, PGRs and staff can access LinkedIn Learning through our institutional subscription.
You do not need a LinkedIn account to access the content, but if you do, you can connect your account which will allow you to publish your course completions to your profile.
There is also the Doctoral College collection, bringing together our resources and recommended external courses.
Careers centre
The Careers Centre offer guidance and support for issues which are specific to PGRs.
You can book a one-to-one appointment with a Career Consultant to talk through any questions you might have.
Researcher Development Framework
The Researcher Development Framework (RDF) is a reference point for researcher development widely used in the UK and internationally.
The RDF was developed by Vitae, the UK’s national organisation for the development of researchers. You can set up an account using your university email address which will allow access to their full resources.
Your school or faculty will also offer support, and you can also ask to meet with the Director of Postgraduate Research Studies for your school to review progress and any matters of concern.
Starting your training
Training and development plan
Having an effective training plan will help you to make the most of the training opportunities available during your research degree.
Please discuss your needs with your supervisor and make sure you record your training plan on GRAD within three months of starting your studies.
Key training courses
These are the key courses to help you understand the requirements and stages of your research degree.
You should refer to these in your first few weeks and months of starting your research degree, but you can also come back to them at any time throughout your studies.
Doctoral College induction programme
This will help you to understand the requirements of the first stages of your research degree and the journey to transfer.
Developing good supervisor relationships
This course will help you to develop and maintain an effective working relationship with your supervisors, to make the most of your supervision meetings and develop strategies for dealing with challenges.
It is run by OD&PL and will be advertised on their site.
Data management training and support
You should have a data management plan in place by no later than the transfer stage, and check your plan again during your annual progress reviews.
You can find help and guidance from the library including courses to help you with research data management.
Academic integrity, research integrity and research ethics training
This compulsory training will develop your awareness of good academic practice, what that means during your research degree at Leeds, and how to apply these principles as you conduct your research. You can read more about the training and access the resources via the Research practice training and tests.
Developing your academic writing
In partnership with the Language Centre, OD&PL currently offer three workshops to help PGRs with their academic writing.
You can find dates for the next sessions by searching for the courses on the training catalogue.
English Language
During your first year of study (pre-transfer and ideally in the first six months), the Language Centre offers optional courses to help with your academic English language development. This includes core Language Skills courses and workshops, and one-to-one writing consultations.
Key Travel
The Purchasing team run a regular training webinar for PGRs on using the Key Travel online booking tool covering how to create an itinerary, how to book and the approvals process.
Later in your research degree
Preparing for your upcoming year of study
We know you receive lots of information during induction, which you might not remember through each year of study. Preparing for your upcoming year of study on Sharepoint is a resource for PGRs entering their second year and beyond to remind you of the key progression points and support (academic and pastoral) available to you, as well as more detailed information for PGRs who will be due to submit their thesis in the upcoming year. There are videos to add additional information and a PGR perspective.
Once you are through transfer, this course will help you think about the next stage in your research degree. As your research develops, you are likely to identify additional training needs. You should also actively look for professional development opportunities, such as conference presentations, teaching or outreach work.
There are two parts to the course:
Preparing for your viva
Read about your thesis submission and viva and in the Viva collection section in LinkedIn Learning.
OD&PL offer a “Your viva” workshop, which includes a mock viva. Information about the workshop and how to book will be available via ODPL’s Postgraduate researcher development website.
If you are unable to attend the workshop, or you particularly want to experience answering viva questions in a video streamed environment, you can request a mock viva by emailing You are also entitled to ask your supervisor to do a mock viva with you; support from OD&PL is offered in addition to any support from your supervisor.