Submit your thesis for examination
When you are preparing to submit your thesis for examination, take some time to familiarise yourself with the deadlines involved as well as the required format for submission.
Please see the Guide to the thesis submission process on Postgraduate research policies and procedures for more information on the processes.
To complete the thesis submission, you should upload a PDF copy of your thesis to GRAD.
You are also able to upload a Covid-19 impact statement (DOC), which discusses any impacts of Covid-19 on your research plans, and the choices made to respond to this. Please use the template provided and upload to GRAD alongside your thesis submission.
Thesis format regulations
The Guide to the thesis examination process includes information on:
- entering for examination and completing the relevant examination entry workflow in GRAD.
- the content and layout of your thesis (including font size, margins, pagination, referencing styles, illustrative materials, abbreviations)
- the presentation of the title page and the statements which must be included in your thesis
- thesis length requirements, and what to do if you think you might exceed them
- including work from any jointly-authored publication (please see the Guidelines on the Use of Solely or Jointly-Authored Publications within a Thesis Submission Postgraduate research policies and procedures)
- advice on what to expect before, during and after the viva
- advice on eThesis preparation and presentation
- including supplementary material (please see the Policy on Inclusion of supplementary material within a thesis submission for examination Postgraduate research policies and procedures)
- submission of a thesis in a language other than English (applies only to candidates registered in the School of Languages, Cultures & Societies, please see the policy Postgraduate research policies and procedures)
Alternative format thesis, including published material
This model of submission is currently only available to PGRs registered in the in the Faculties of Environment, EPS (Engineering Schools only), Biological Sciences, Medicine and Health or Arts, Humanities and Cultures.
PGRs in these faculties who wish to consider this route to submission must first discuss this with their supervisory team. This model of thesis can only be submitted where the supervisory team supports this format of submission and is satisfied it is appropriate and meets the protocol in place for that faculty. Please see the Faculty Protocols for the format and presentation of an alternative style of doctoral thesis including published material Postgraduate research policies and procedures.
Dual award PhDs
If you are registered on a dual award PhD, there may be particular expectations for your thesis and/or viva, depending on your programme of study:
Dual Award Guidance - General Guidance for all awards
University of Leeds – University of Copenhagen
University of Leeds – University of Coimbra
University of Leeds – University of Ljubljana
University of Leeds – Lulea Technical University
Guidance to follow:
University of Leeds – Nanjing University
University of Leeds – Beijing Jiaotong University
University of Leeds – Petroleum University of China (QingDao Campus) (UPC)
University of Leeds – Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU)
Deadline for submission
You should aim to submit your thesis within the standard period of study of your research degree programme. However, you must submit your thesis for examination by the maximum time limit for your programme. Your standard period of study and maximum time limit dates are visible on your GRAD record. If difficulties arise you must talk to your Graduate School as soon as possible for advice. See Understand the submission and examination process for more information on the submission timings on your deadline date.
Submitting your thesis early
In some cases you may be able to submit your thesis early, before the end of your standard period of study. Your DPGRS must submit a recommendation to the Graduate Board’s Programmes and Examinations Group for a reduction to your period of study. Early submission of the thesis can only be made where it is supported by your supervisor and your DPGRS, the thesis is complete and ready for submission and it has been read by your supervisor in its entirety.
PGRs on a student visa should seek advice from the Student Visa Advice Team. Funded PGRs should check any Terms and Conditions of their studentship.
See further information on How long does a research degree take?.
Uploading a PDF to GRAD
You must upload a PDF copy of your thesis to GRAD using the Thesis Submission workflow. Please see the Guide to the thesis examination process for further advice. Please contact your Graduate School in advance of your thesis submission if there are any concerns with this, for example, if there are confidentiality or commercially sensitive issues with your research.
Practice-led research degrees
Please make sure you are fully aware of the submission requirements for your degree. You can find more information by checking the practice-led policy for your faculty or school on Postgraduate research policies and procedures.
After submission
Your thesis will be sent out to your examiners normally within ten working days of submission, providing that it meets the University's requirements and your examination entry workflow has been approved by the Examinations Group. A GRAD email notification (to your University account) will be sent to confirm that your thesis has been sent out to your examiners, and will include advice about the next stages in the process. If Doctoral College Operations has only recently received your examination entry workflow (or your workflow has not yet been completed), if there are any issues with the length or formatting of the thesis, or if your thesis has been submitted after the maximum time limit there may be a delay in sending your thesis out for examination.