Postgraduate research
Postgraduate research

What to do during your research
Registration and induction
Find out what you need to do to get started on your research.
Supervision meetings
Find out how to keep your research on track and how often you should meet with your supervisor.
Understand the thesis and viva
Find out how to prepare for your research assessment.
Research practice
Access resources to help you succeed in your postgraduate studies.
Graduating from your research degree
Learn about the conditions you need to meet in order to graduate.
Managing your attendance, expenses and wellbeing
Managing your time
Learn more about how much time you will need to spend on your research.
Policies and processes
Understand the administrative guidelines, procedures and codes of practice during your time at Leeds.
Postgraduate research expenses
Learn how to manage travel expenses or if you need to purchase goods or services to support your research.
Disruptions to your research
Find out what to do if an unexpected event causes disruption to your research.
Evidencing your absences
Learn about the documents you can provide as evidence for your absence.
How your attendance and progress is managed
Find out more about how your attendance and your progress with your studies will be monitored to help you finish your research on time.
Postgraduate wellbeing programme
Access in-person workshops and online webinars about managing your wellbeing as a postgraduate researcher.
Fees and funding for postgraduate researchers
Understand the fees you're expected to pay throughout your studies.