Postgraduate researcher funding and finance

If you are a postgraduate student looking for funding or financial help, there are a range of potential sources to consider.  

Some are loans you need to repay. But there are also University and external options, such as: 

  • scholarships
  • grants
  • bursaries
  • and charitable programmes.

Loans, awards, grants and scholarships

Postgraduate doctoral loan  

If you are a UK national starting a doctoral degree you may be able to apply for a postgraduate doctoral loan.  

The loan is a contribution towards your study costs like course fees and living costs. It might not cover all tuition and living costs. 


For information about scholarships across our schools and subject areas, search the funding section of our research opportunities directory.


As a PGR, you may be able to access awards from trusts, charities and foundations.  

Award amounts vary widely. In some cases you may be able to get a few hundred pounds a year. Some awards may only cover research expenses like travel and field work. 

Prospects provides information and guidance about finding UK funding for postgraduate study from: 

  • public funding bodies
  • charities
  • trusts
  • and foundations.

The government also publishes useful postgraduate funding advice.

The Leeds University Union postgraduate hub is another resource to check. 

You can also use reference books such as the Grants Register and the Directory of Grant-Making Trusts to look for funds to apply to. These books are available from the University Library

The Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding is a database of funding opportunities from charities and alternative sources.

Sign up to the Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Research Funding Gateway using your University of Leeds email address.

Prospective students can email the Reasearch Admissions team at for the pin number to access the guide.

Student Ideas Fund 

The Student Ideas Fund is a collaboration between the University, Leeds University Union and students.  

Funding awards of £500 up to £5000 are available to help bring your idea for improving the University and student experience to life. 

British Federation of Women Graduates (BFWG) 

The BFWG promotes women's opportunities in education and public life. If you are a woman formally studying towards a PHD degree, you may be able to get a British Federation of Women Graduates (BFWG) scholarship in your final year.  

Sports scholarships programme 

Performance sport offers two sports scholarship programmes to support elite athletes so you can combine academic and sporting excellence during your time at the University. 

Postgraduate scholarships  

As a taught or research postgraduate student you may be eligible to apply for a scholarship.  

Postgraduate students at Leeds get around £10 million of funding from the University and externally.  

You may be able to access a scholarship, whether you are an: 

  • international 
  • UK or 
  • EU student.  

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Research Councils fund a high number of studentships. 

You can also find scholarships available from individual schools/faculty. For more information, see postgraduate research opportunities.

Cost of living bursary 

If you are a full or part-time postgraduate researcher facing financial difficulties you, may be eligible for the University Cost of living bursary.  

The bursary is a non-repayable time-limited grant for postgraduate researchers (PGR). There is fixed funding for the bursary so you should apply as early as possible. The one-off payments are for a maximum of £250.  

The bursary aims to ease challenges of the cost of living increases in the uk.  

You can apply if you are a:  

  • part-time PGR 
  • full time PGR 
  • UK PGR 
  • international PGR

The bursary was originally for the 2023-24 academic year. But there are remaining funds to allocate during 2024-25.  

Once the funds are spent, the bursary will close. We may not be able to provide advance notice of this closure. 


You need to meet the application criteria at the time you apply. If you are not eligible right now but are likely to be in the near future, you’ll need to apply then. 

To be eligible for the PGR Cost of living Bursary, you must: 

  • not have received a previous payment through this scheme 
  • be registered as a PGR, you are not eligible to apply once you appear on a pass list 
  • have a UK bank account 
  • be self funding, unfunded in your overtime period, or 
  • be a funded PGR who receives a maintenance stipend less than the UKRI minimum award. 

We may require evidence of your current funding arrangements. After submission, you should hear about the outcome of your application after 2-4 weeks.  

How to apply  

We aim to make the application process user-friendly and non-invasive.  If you are a PGR facing genuine financial difficulties we strongly encourage you to apply.  

Complete the Cost of living bursary application form to apply.

The form asks you to provide an explanation of your financial shortfall or need.   

The application form includes some questions about other forms of support you may have.  

Your response to these questions is optional. We do not consider this information as part of the assessment of your application.  

These questions aim to help us better understand the financial support and advice systems our PGRs currently use.  

Our goal is to identify common barriers to accessing certain types of funding. The aim is to help us evaluate and enhance our University support and funding schemes. 

Get help  

You need to use your University of Leeds email address for any questions or queries about the Cost of Living Bursary. Email the Doctoral College via


The Dean of the Doctoral College or their nominee reviews appeals.

 If you wish to appeal a decision, you should contact the Doctoral College within 15 working days of receipt of your outcome. 

The Financial Assistance Fund (FAF)

If you are a PGR in financial need, we strongly encourage you to explore eligibility for the University Financial Assistance Fund (FAF).  

You can submit applications to both the PGR Cost of living bursary and FAF at the same time. 

The Financial Assistance Fund is: 

  • is means-tested 
  • factors in all available funding 
  • can offer more substantial support. 

Confidentiality and data protection 

We will only share direct details of your application with those assessing for hardship/financial funding allocation.   

This includes: 

  • the University’s Funding team 
  • your graduate school 
  • Doctoral College Operations 
  • and the Dean of the Doctoral College or their nominee.   

We reserve the right to ask your supervisors for clarifying information. We will not share your application form with them or disclose your reason for financial shortfall/need.  

We need your written consent to share your application information with any other relevant parties at the University. For example, the Leeds University Union. 

We may anonymise application information to collect statistics. But will not publish any information that may identify you. We retain application information in line with GDPR rules.

School/faculty funded postgraduate maintenance payments 

Postgraduate maintenance payments from your school/faculty will come from the Student Finance (Funding) team.  

Your school’s authorised signatory should send a request to the Student Finance (Funding) team to confirm the payments.  

Payment dates 

Your school/faculty will usually pay postgraduate maintenance payments monthly and in advance. 

Monthly payments are always due on the 1st of the month for the month ahead, but often you may get them earlier.  

This is because payments will clear on a Friday. If the 1st of the month does not fall on a Friday, payments will clear the Friday before the 1st.   

For budgeting purposes you should use the 1st of each month as the date you expect to get your payment. Be mindful of this when you set up a Direct Debit (DD) or Standing Order (SO). 

Christmas, Easter and Bank Holidays can impact payment dates. When this happens, we will always bring a payment forward rather than delay it. 

UK bank accounts 

You will need a UK based bank account so you can get maintenance payments. 

The University cannot help you open a UK based bank account.  

Some examples of organisations that do provide this service are: 

Please be aware we do not support or endorse these companies or their services. You must make your own decision on whether to use them. 

Once you have a UK bank account, you must supply your bank details to get your maintenance payments. Instructions for entering bank account. 

Payment process

You can only receive a scholarship payment after Student Finance gets an authorised payment request.  

To get a scholarship payment you will need to: 

  • be a current student 
  • complete student registration 
  • have given your bank account details.  

You cannot get a scholarship payment via the standard payment process if you: 

  • have withdrawn from your programme 
  • are suspended 
  • are under examination 
  • are studying as an external student. 

If you cannot get a payment via the standard process because one of these circumstances applies, you may be able to get a payment another way. 

For this to happen you will need the awarding department to agree. The authorised signatory from the awarding department will then need to email the funding team directly via

Get help and advice  

If you need to speak to someone about PGR maintenance or scholarship payments, contact the Student Finance (Funding) team.  

You can visit the Funding team on campus:  

Student Curriculum & Operations 
Marjorie and Arnold Ziff Building 
University of Leeds 
LS2 9JT 

You can contact the Funding team via: 

Phone:  Call the funding team on +44 0113 343 2007.

Email: Email the Funding team via

Fees and funding