Funding and grants
Disabled students’ funding
Disabled Students’ Allowance
Find out more about how to get funding for equipment, specialist software and travel to support you throughout your studies.
Funding options for disabled students
Explore the funding options available to you depending on your course.
Explore available funding for your studies
Leeds Bursary
Find out more about how to apply and your eligibility.
Financial Assistance Fund
Apply for support with unexpected financial difficulties.
Funding for postgraduate researchers
Find out more about the loans, grants and awards available.
Research scholarships
Explore our scholarship database for postgraduate researchers.
Funding for students from the USA
Find out more about the national, regional and private loans available.
Funding for students from Canada
Apply for national and provincial loans to fund your studies.
Funding for work placements and studying abroad
Study abroad scholarships
Find out what scholarships are available to help cover the costs of a study year abroad.
Turing Scheme
You might be eligible for funding if your studies include a compulsory study or work abroad placement.
Applying for your student loan
Find out about how to apply for your student and maintenance loans to fund your work placement or study abroad year.