NHS Learning Support Fund

The NHS offers various types of additional financial support to students studying certain Medical, Dentistry, and Healthcare courses to assist with costs related to study such as travel and childcare.

Funding from the NHS Learning Support Fund

Child Dependants Allowance

Students meeting the eligibility for Parental Support can claim a set amount of £2,000 per academic year.

Parental Support (formerly known as Child Dependants Allowance) is available to students who have parental responsibility for a child who is either:

  • under the age of 15 years
  • under 17 years if the child is registered with special educational needs

Parental responsibility means someone who is either a parent or has the same legal rights, duties, powers and responsibilities as a parent for a child.

Further details of the eligibility criteria how to claim this grant can be found on the NHS website.

Exceptional Support Fund

The Exceptional Support Fund (ESF) is available to students who meet the Learning Support Fund eligibility criteria and who are experiencing unforeseen financial hardship during their studies.  All other available means of funding must have been exhausted.

An ESF grant of up to £3,000 per academic year may be awarded to help students who can show there is a shortfall between their income and day to day expenditure, which they are not able to manage by their own actions.

Before applying for ESF, students must have first applied to their university hardship scheme (At the University of Leeds this is known as the Financial Assistance Fund) or for any other funding available to them. Even if an application to the university hardship scheme was unsuccessful, students can still apply for ESF as long as they are able to evidence that they have approached the University for help. Because of this requirement the University must endorse and sign an ESF claim form before it can be submitted to the NHS.  Any claims that have not been countersigned will not be considered. 

Applications to the ESF can be submitted at any point throughout the academic year. 

Details regarding the criteria and application can be found on the NHS website.

Training Grant

Students on eligible healthcare courses, and who meet the overall eligibility criteria, can apply for the Training Grant:

  • The Training Grant is a non-means tested and non-repayable grant of £5,000 per academic year. The grant is intended to help towards maintenance and study costs.
  • In addition, for courses starting on or after 1st September 2020, all students who are eligible for the Training Grant and who are studying one of the specialist subjects (that are listed in the next section) can receive an additional £1,000 Specialist Subject Payment, per academic year. Students do not need to apply separately for the Specialist Subject payment as eligibility will be determined as part of the Training Grant application

An application for the Training Grant will need to be submitted by the start of each academic year.

Specialist subjects

  • mental health nursing
  • learning disability nursing
  • radiography (diagnostic and therapeutic)
  • prosthetics and orthotics
  • orthoptics and podiatry

For further information regarding eligible courses and personal eligibility please see the NHS website.

Please Note, the Learning Support Funding, including the Training Grant and Specialist Subject Payment, is NOT considered as an NHS bursary by the Student Loans Company. When you apply for your loans via the Student Loans Company you will be asked if you are in receipt of an NHS bursary.  You should answer ‘NO’ to this question if you are receiving the Training Grant.

Travel and Dual Accommodation Expenses

Excess Travel and Dual Accommodation Expenses can be reimbursed when undertaking practical training on placements.

You will need to complete the relevant claim form which can be found on the NHS website.


Fees and funding