Financial Assistance Fund Evidence you will need to provide
You will need to upload evidence to support your application. Ideally this should be .pdf or Word documents.
This is not a comprehensive list, and you may be required to provide other evidence in addition to the documents listed below. If you have physical copies of documents, you can use any of the university printers to scan these and email them to yourself as pdf documents, which you can then save and upload with your application.
Evidence all students need to provide
- The completed Financial Information Form, which will be emailed to you with the link to the online application form.
- 90 days’ bank statements for all accounts, up to the date you submit your application – this includes current accounts, savings accounts, inactive accounts, accounts closed in the last 90 days, ISA and investments (even if the funds are locked), international accounts.
- Tenancy agreement or mortgage statement or, if you have an arrangement with family or friends, a signed letter from them stating the details of the arrangement.
Please note that you might not be able to download statements using your bank's mobile app, and you may need to log into your online banking using a PC or laptop. With most banks, you can select a date range for your statements, so this should cover 90 days up to the date you submit your application. If you receive funding from SFE/SFW/SFNI/SAAS or the NHS, and your last instalment was more than 90 days ago, you will need to provide statements for all accounts going back further than 90 days to include the date that the last instalment was received. If your bank issues monthly statements on a set day each month, you will also need to provide a pdf of 'recent transactions' between this date and the that you submit your application. All banks have guidance on their websites for how to download pdfs of the statements and recent transactions, or a local branch will be able to assist you. We cannot accept mobile phone screenshots of transactions.
Home undergraduates eligible for maintenance and tuition fee loan
Your funding authority (SFE, SFW, SFNI, or SAAS) Letter of Entitlement showing your maintenance loan.
This can be downloaded from SFE/SFW/SFNI/SAAS portal.
Home postgraduates eligible for postgraduate loan
Your funding authority Letter of Entitlement showing your loan.
NHS funded students
Screenshot of your payment schedule on the NHS Portal showing the total award for the year.
Students living with a partner and/or dependants
- Your partner’s bank statements covering 90 days for all their accounts, and all joint accounts, as detailed in ‘All Students’ above.
- Your partner’s wage slips for 3 months (or 12 weeks), or their most recent P60.
- Birth certificates for dependent children (or Child Benefit Notification showing number of eligible children).
Students receiving benefits
- Universal Credit – screenshots of your last month’s calculation and payment.
- Other means-tested and earnings-replacement benefits* – Benefits Letter showing entitlement amount.
* Child Tax Credits, Working Tax Credits, Pension Credits, Housing Benefit, JSA, ESA, Carer’s Allowance, Statutory Maternity Pay, Statutory Sick Pay, Maternity Allowance, Retirement Pensions
Non-means-tested benefits (Personal Independence Payments, Disability Living Allowance, Attendance Allowance, Child Benefit, Adoption Allowance) are not included as income in the assessment. However, please provide evidence to support your situation (e.g. if you are not able to work due to health issues).
International students
- If you are sponsored, a copy of you sponsor letter outlining the details of your sponsorship (how much you will receive towards tuition fees and living costs, when funds will be paid to you).
- 90 days’ statements for all international bank accounts in your name, in addition to 90 days’ statements for all UK bank accounts in your name.