Managing your money

The most simple way to manage your money is to be aware of what money is going out of your bank account and understand what money is coming in.

Student money guide

Download the Student guide to money (PDF) to access advice on how to manage your finances.

Managing your spending

Paying your university and accommodation fees

Setting up a budget

A budget is a plan that helps you track the money you have coming in and the money you spend over a set time, like a term.

Spending less money

Once you have created your budget, you might be able to find areas where you can spend less money.

Saving money on bills

Saving on shopping

Spend less on socialising

Getting more money

You can increase your income by finding a part time job or applying for additional funding.

Getting extra funding

Find a part-time job

  • Joblink is based in Leeds University Union (LUU) and connects students to jobs.
  • Leeds Internship Programme works with organisations to advertise paid opportunities, exclusively for University of Leeds students. 
  • Careers Service is based on campus and online. They advertise jobs in their newsletter and provide support if you’re preparing for an interview or writing a CV. 
  • Studentjob lists part-time jobs in Leeds. 
  • Paperound is a website where business owners employ students to complete tasks for them.

If you’re looking to work and are an international student, make sure you’re aware of any visa retrictions you’ll need to know about. Contact the Student Information Service with any questions around work and your visa. 

Get help with money

If you are experiencing financial difficulties, you can get help from the University.

University Financial Assistance Fund

Registered students and postgraduate researchers at the University who are facing financial difficulties can apply to the University Financial Assistance Fund for help towards the payment of essential living costs.

Speak to someone at the University about money

Leeds University Union’s Help and Support team offer free and confidential support independent of the University.

You can also contact the Student Information Service who will be able to offer advice and guidance.

Speak to someone independent from the University about money

Fees and funding