Council Tax exemption
Full time students are eligible for Council Tax exemption or discounts. The amount you’ll pay depends on:
- your student tax status
- your course duration
- the number of hours you study per week.
You can check your eligibility on the website.
Degree apprentices are not eligible for Council Tax exemption.
Find out more about council tax exemption on the Leeds City Council website.
Contact Student Advice in Leeds University Union if you’re struggling to pay your Council Tax bill. Don’t ignore a Council Tax letter. There could be legal consequences.
How Council Tax exemption applies if you’re a taught student
We send a list of full-time, registered students to Leeds City Council each year at the end of October and February.
You should be on the council’s database, providing you:
- Entered your term-time address when you registered at the university
- Informed the council you are registered as a full-time student by completing this Council Tax Student Discount online form available from Leeds City Council, which they’ll cross-reference against our supplied data.
You can check the address you have registered on Minerva:
- Select the ‘Access to Student Services’ icon in the toolbar
- Once logged in, select ‘Personal information’
What to do if the council asks you to pay
If the council asks for payment, ask them to check your details on our list (or database) If they haven’t received the list, tell them it’s on the way. They should be aware of our procedure.
If they can’t find your details, request a Council Tax Exemption Certificate. You’ll also need to apply for a Registration Status Certificate to prove you’re exempt.
You might also need a Registration Status Certificate to prove you’re tax-exempt if:
- Your term time address is outside of Leeds
- Your parent or carer wants to apply for a single-person discount.
How Council Tax exemption applies if you’re a postgraduate researcher
We send the details of registered postgraduate researchers to Leeds City Council at the end of:
- October
- January
- April
- July
You must complete a Council Tax Form from Leeds City Council, which they’ll cross-reference against our data.
If you live outside Leeds, you’ll need to check your eligibility. You can apply for a Registration Status Certificate for Council Tax exemption purposes.
Part-time postgraduate researchers do not qualify for Council Tax exemption.
What happens after thesis submission and vivas
You won’t be eligible for Council Tax exemption after you’ve submitted your thesis for examination or if the outcome of your viva is a referral.
During the referral period, your registration and student card will only allow you to use the library and IT facilities to revise your thesis. You’re not classed as a full-time, part-time or overtime student.
What happens during your overtime period
In your overtime period, you should be eligible for Council Tax exemption, providing you are registered on a full-time programme of study. You can get further advice from Student Advice in Leeds University Union.
How Council Tax exemption applies if you’re an international student
You must meet the Council Tax definition for a ‘student’ to qualify for Council Tax exemption. Visit UKCISA to learn more.
Your eligibility for Council Tax discount will be determined by your student status, course duration and number of study hours per week. Find out more at Leeds City Council: Council Tax.
What to do if your circumstances change
You must inform the council if your full-time student status or living arrangements change.
Full time students are exempt from Council Tax, even if you’re on temporary leave (as long as you’re coming back).
If you leave permanently before your course ends and are no longer a student, you are no longer eligible for Council Tax discount.
If you leave to transfer to another institution, you must apply again with your new details.
Where to get support
Contact Student Advice in Leeds University Union for help and advice.