During your research

What you need to do during your research

You need to: 

  • record your supervision meetings in GRAD and add any issues you are having in your meeting notes 
  • complete your training as part of your training plan agreed with your supervisor including: 

How often you should meet your supervisor to discuss your research 

You should meet your supervisor at least: 

  • 10 times a year if you are full time 
  • 6 times a year if you are part-time or split-site 
  • 8 times a year if you are 0.75 part-time.

These meetings should be take place at least every: 

  • 8 weeks if you are full time 
  • 12 weeks if you are part-time 
  • 10 weeks if you are 0.75 part-time.

Your graduate school will check GRAD records to make sure you have regular meetings with your supervisor. 

These meetings are throughout your research degree and during overtime and between submission of the thesis and your viva. This meetings are to help monitor your attendance and to ensure you are meeting your student visa requirments. 

Meet in person with your supervisor

You or your supervisor must: 

  • meet in person unless either of you are away from the university 
  • meet online if you can't meet in person to avoid missing regular meetings 

Email is not an acceptable format for a supervisor meeting unless you have fieldwork with limited access. 

Make notes of you supverision meetings in GRAD

You or your supervisor must: 

  • create a meeting record for all official supervision meetings 
  • both agree with what is recorded 
  • make sure you record any problems you have with your research so it can be used later if needed 

Review your postgraduate supervisor agreement 

You should review your postgraduate supervisor agreement with your supervisor: 

  • as part of your first formal progress review 
  • when you transfer 
  • as part of your annual progress review. It should also be uploaded as a file for the report 

Meet with your Director of Postgraduate Research Studies (DPGRS)

You can meet with the DPGRS in your school at any time. You should be offered 1 meeting with them per year without your supervisor. This lets you give feedback on the supervision you are getting from your supervisor and raise any issues if needed. 

What to do if your supervisor changes 

If you get a new supervisor you will need to review and update your postgraduate supervisor agreement with them. 

If your supervisor is absent or on long term sick leave for longer than two months your school will discuss what to do with you. 

Contact your Graduate School (LINK) if you have any questions. 

First formal progress review (FFPR) 

A chance for you to assess your progress. 

PhD students have a FFPR before the transfer assessment and then every year until you submit your thesis, this is known as an APR. 

Postgraduate researchers doing a masters by research will have a FFPR to help them before thesis submission. 

When to submit your FFPR 

You usually need to submit your FFPR within: 

  • 6 months after your start date if you are full-time 
  • 9 months after your start date if you are part-time 

Check with your graduate school as the exact time can vary between schools. 

How to submit your report 

What to write in your FFPR report

Reflect on your progress during the previous months of your research. 

Review your training plan to see what skills you could develop and if there is training you can still do. You can assess how your research is going and if you already have results or reflections on it. 


  • any issues you are having with your research 
  • how these issues are impacting your research 
  • your plan to address these issues 
  • what support you think you might need 

Read the training and information about research 

You will need to read the training and information on academic integrity and research standards as well as FFPR on the Doctoral College website: 

Make a statement about academic integrity

You need to complete a statement about academic integrity when you submit your transfer report and your thesis. 

Your engagement with the ethical review and data management processes are assessed as part of the transfer process and progress reviews.

Make a data management plan

You will need to have a data management plan in place during your transfer stage. 

After you have submitted your FFPR through GRAD

Your supervisor will review your progress 

Your supervisor will assess your overall progress and compare it with your training plan. This also includes your: 

  • standard of English language 
  • writing skills 
  • communication skills

Your supervisor will arrange a meeting with you 

Your supervisor will arrange a meeting with you to discuss your FFPR. This meeting should help you plan towards transfer. 

You should raise any issues you have and your supervisor will also raise any issues they see. You should work together to find a way to address any issues raised. 

Review your PGR-Supervisor agreement with your supervisor 

You need to review your PGR-Supervisor agreement with your supervisor. If you make any changes to it you need to upload the updated version to GRAD. 

Check the advice from your Graduate School 

Some faculties and schools may ask you to submit written work.

It is usually submitted with the FFPR rather than after it is submitted.

The outcome of the FFPR 

The FFPR is not a formal assessment so you do not need to pass it. If there are big concerns about your progress your supervisor may start the progress support procedure (PSP). 

What the annual progress review (APR) is

The APR is a meeting to let you plan and reflect on your research.

If you are in the faculties of Biological Sciences, Engineering and Physical Sciences, and Medicine and Health 

You meet with your supervisors and someone independent of the supervisory team. 

If you are in the faculties of Arts, Humanities and Cultures, Business, Environment, Social Sciences

You meet with your supervisors. A report from the annual review meeting is reviewed by a committee within the faculty or school.

What you need to do before the annual review 

Depending on your school or faculty you will need to submit: 

  • your reflection on your progress including any issues which has impacted it 
  • when you plan to complete your thesis. This might include a timetable or Gantt chart 
  • any written work that your faculty or supervisors have asked for 
  • your Data Management Plan 

What you will need to do

  • complete the annual progress review form 
  • if you started after September 2023 you should review your postgraduate supervisor agreement with your supervisors. If you make any changes to the agreement you should add your updated agreement to GRAD 
  • submit your work

What you are reviewed against

  • engagement with ethics review and data management processes 
  • the questions in APR guidance (LINK TO PDF) Annex 1
  • research plan 
  • FFPR and FPRs
  • postgraduate research supervisor annual progress review 

What happens after the annual progress review 

A report from the meeting is created and added to GRAD. 

If there are major concerns about your progress the Progress support procedure (PSP) (LINK in downloads and in policies and procedures) may be started to help you address any issues so you can continue your research. 


  • PGR Proof-reading policy and guidance (Link to pgr policy and procedures page)
  • Guide to the thesis examination process (Link to submitting your thesis for examination page)