If you are unwell during your research degree
All periods of absence should be reported as soon as possible, as either an authorised absence, or suspension, in GRAD.
Reporting absences
If you are unwell and unable to work on your research as usual, you should let your supervisor know and report it on GRAD.
Postgraduate researchers (PGRs) sponsored by a Student Visa should seek advice from the Student Visa Advice team.
For short-term absences, please speak to your Graduate School who will advise of the process for requesting an authorised absence in GRAD. It is expected that any short period of absence covered by an authorised absence will be absorbed into the existing length of the candidature.
For more information on healthcare and help when you’re ill, read about Medical services and what to do if you’re ill.
For longer absences, please also read Taking time out of your research.
PGRs who are self-funded or externally funded
You are unlikely to need to provide us with medical evidence for occasional short-term absences. If additional information is required regarding your request, your Graduate School team will notify you.
PGRs funded by UKRI or the University of Leeds
PGRs who receive a stipend either fully or partially funded by UKRI or the University of Leeds may be eligible to sick pay for long and short-term absences and short-term emergency/compassionate leave.
If you are studying on a Student Visa, we must follow the rules of your Student Visa. This means that your entitlements and payments may depend on the specific conditions of your visa. We can only make payments to UK bank accounts.
Short-term absences or emergency/compassionate leave
We strongly recommend that you speak to your Graduate School to find out if you are eligible for additional payments such as short-term sickness or compassionate/emergency leave pay.
For detailed information about funding entitlements for University of Leeds funded PGRs, please refer to the studentship regulations included in your award letter. Additionally, we recommend contacting us to confirm if any updates have been made since you received this letter.
Read about UKRI funding entitlements (PDF) (section 8) during a period of absence.
Part-time PGRs are entitled to the same amount of sick or compassionate leave and will be paid at the pro-rata rate.
Payments during a period of short-term leave on the grounds of ill-health, compassionate or emergency leave are normally supported by appropriate evidence. Read about documentary supporting information.
If you are eligible for paid leave, maintenance payments will continue during this period of absence and the funding deadline will be extended accordingly. The maximum time limit for thesis submission date is not normally extended for a period of authorised absence. However, if your funding end date is the same as your maximum thesis submission date, an extension may be applied to the record.
Please note that GRAD does not list funding dates and only lists your thesis submission deadlines and milestones. If you are unsure about when your funding ends, please contact your Graduate School.
Payments can only be made when an absence has been reported and approved and a claim submitted. Exceptional requests for retrospective sick pay with the appropriate medical supporting evidence may be considered if there are exceptional reasons why the request was not made when the illness/disruption occurred.
Long-term absences
For longer periods of sickness (more than 28 days), speak to your Graduate School who will advise of the process for requesting an absence in GRAD. A longer period of sickness would usually be recorded as a suspension of study.
Where sickness occurs during the funded period, PGRs who receive a stipend either fully or partially funded by UKRI or the University of Leeds are normally eligible for sick pay. A maximum of 13 weeks’ sick pay is permitted in any 12-month period. The maximum time limit for thesis submission will be extended by the equivalent length.
Payments on the grounds of ill-health, compassionate or emergency leave are normally supported by appropriate evidence. Read about documentary supporting information.