Postgraduate hardship

If you're in financial difficulty while you are a student with us, you may be able to apply for support from the University to help with living expenses.

University Financial Assistance Fund

Registered PGRs who are facing unexpected financial difficulties can apply to the University Financial Assistance Fund (formerly the Leeds Hardship Fund) for help towards essential living costs. The fund is open to applications from home and international PGRs and is an online application. 

You can read more about the Financial Assistance Fund, including eligibility criteria, what evidence you may need to prepare and how to apply, on the Finance website

Other sources of support

If you are struggling with your finances, please get in touch with your Graduate School.  Some faculties operate their own hardship or emergency funds.  If worries over money have impacted your ability to do your research, it is important to record this on GRAD and to discuss it with either your supervisor or your Graduate School.

Useful links

Cost of living support and advice

Leeds University Union Help and Support: Money

Alternative funding guide