Disability Services

Disability Services provides advice and recommends academic support to disabled students and postgraduate researchers at the University.

Register with Disability Services

To get support: 

  1. Complete the Disability Services sign-up form
  2. Provide supporting information about your disability

Support we offer

We recommend academic adjustments to your learning and exams. This might include:

  • exam arrangements (extra time, use of a PC, timetabling changes)
  • extensions to deadlines
  • permission to record lectures
  • receiving material in advance
  • ongoing advice throughout your time at Leeds.

Find out about all the support available at Leeds.

Video transcript: Welcome to Disability Services

Who we support

Disability is a very broad term. It encompasses a range of physical, mental, neurological and chronic conditions. This means we support a large number of students and postgraduate researchers, including remote learners and degree apprentices.

In law, a person has a disability if their condition has a substantial and long term effect on their daily activities. 

For a student, this might include taking notes, writing, researching, reading, and moving between multiple locations.

This includes people who: 

  • are D/deaf or hearing impaired
  • are blind or visually impaired
  • have a physical disability, and/or mobility difficulties
  • have a specific learning difficulty (e.g. example, dyslexia or dyspraxia)
  • have a neurodevelopmental condition (e.g. AD(H)D)
  • have a neurological condition (e.g. MS, epilepsy, Tourette Syndrome, stammer)
  • are autistic
  • have a mental health condition
  • have a long-term medical condition (e.g. chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma, diabetes, cancer, HIV)
  • have a combination of these.

If you have a temporary health condition, such as a broken bone or short-term illness, please get in touch with the disability contact in your school.

Contact us

To learn more about free software and apps to support your learning, email our Assistive Technology Advisor, Thomas Starkey: t.m.starkey@leeds.ac.uk.

Find us on campus

Directions from Leeds University Union:

  1. With your back to the Students’ Union Building, walk towards the Great Hall and the Clothworkers’ Arch
  2. Pass through the arch and continue through the courtyard 
  3. Continue straight with the School of Media and Communication on your left
  4. Disability Services is in the Chemistry West Building at the end of the path.

Other sources of support

Support and guidance