Preparing to live in Leeds
Before you arrive
What to bring
Read our list of important documents and items you might need to bring to university.
Get your visa
Check what guidance you need to follow to apply for your visa.
Opening a UK bank account
Find out how to open a UK bank account to make sure you have money for when you arrive.
Healthcare and your immigration status
Find out what UK healthcare you are entitled to based on your immigration status.
UK phones and SIM cards
Find out where to get a UK SIM card.
Arriving in Leeds
Travelling to Leeds
Find out how to get to Leeds and who to contact if you have any issues on your journey.
When to arrive in Leeds
Read about when to arrive in Leeds and what to consider before you travel.
Arrival support and airport pick-ups
Discover how we can support you when you arrive, including airport pick-ups and welcome boxes.
Arriving at your accommodation
Find out when to arrive at your accommodation and how to get there.
What to do if your arrival is delayed
Follow our advice on what to do and who to contact if your arrival is delayed.
International orientation
Our welcome programme for international students will help you have the best possible start in Leeds.