Sexual Health and Wellbeing

World Health Organisation defines Sexual health as ‘physical, emotional, mental and social wellbeing.  This section includes information on the range of sexual health information, testing and support that is available on and off campus to help you make informed decisions about your sexual health and wellbeing.   

Your body, your choice 

Good sexual health should be positive, a respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships and safe, free from coercion.  University life may be a time for experimenting, having a steady relationship and maybe finding out more about yourself and what feels right and good for you.  Some people are asexual and choose not to be sexually active.  It is important to respect your choices and the choices of others.  

Having the safe space, making sure you have given and have consent, taking precautions and not feeling you have to be influenced by peer pressure – are all important to ensure that the decisions you make are right for you and your sexual partner. 

Giving and Getting Consent 

At the core of healthy relationships is consent. It can be sexual or nonsexual. Regular communication about how comfortable someone feels engaging with an activity is important in all your relationships, like asking someone whether you can give them a hug or if you can share something you are upset about with them. Regardless of the intimacy of the situation, consent can ensure that all parties feel comfortable with whatever is taking place. 

In sexual relationships, consent is imperative. This means ensuring you and your partner/s agree to what is about to take place and continue to do so throughout the activity. There are many ways to ask for consent. You might say something like “are you okay with this?” or “would you like to keep going?”  

The important thing is ensuring that everyone involved is comfortable and happy with what is being proposed before, during and after. 

Consent should be: 

  • Freely given: It should be given without fear, pressure, coercion or manipulation. Consent cannot be given by a person who is incapacitated. 
  • Reversible: It can be revoked. You can change your mind at any time. 
  • Informed: You should know what you are consenting to before, during and after. 
  • Enthusiastic: Consent means the presence of a 'yes', not the absence of a 'no'. People may consent verbally or non-verbally, but it is imperative that there is no uncertainty, hesitation, or pressure.  
  • Specific: Giving consent to one activity does not automatically mean someone consents to a different activity. 

For further information about consent, sexual assault and/or you have concerns about any sexual interaction, we can help.  Get in touch with the Harassment and Misconduct team for help and support. 

Safe Sex 

This section contains information about STI’s, pregnancy and emergency contraception. 

Protecting yourself against STI’s 

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s) are very common in the 19-25 age range.  There are many different types of STI’s, some more serious than others and which can cause serious problems if they are not treated.  It is possible to have an STI and not be aware of any symptoms.  Find information on STI’s, the symptoms and treatment 

Best way to protect yourself: 


If you think you may be pregnant, it is important to do a test as soon as possible.  You can take a test from the first date of your missed period.  Free pregnancy tests are available from: 

If you are pregnant and you would like to talk through your options, we are here to help: 

  • LUU Help and Support is a confidential service.  They can talk through what you would like to do, which can include if you wish to keep the pregnancy, adjustments for your study etc.  Get in touch with them by dropping into the Foyer in LUU or email 
  • You can speak with your School, someone who you feel comfortable talking to, they can discuss support and academic options. 
  • Have a look at our online information which offers support and information 

Emergency Contraception 

You can access emergency contraception at the following places: