Gambling support

Gambling is when you risk money, or anything of value to predict the outcome of a game involving chance. This can range from a sporting bet and scratchcards to fruit machines.

Gambling and experiencing financial losses can have a huge impact on all areas of your life, beyond your finances. Many students report missing lectures, not handing work in, isolating away from friends and being worried to share with others what is happening.

It may be hard for you to have those first conversations or to share how you are feeling. Please don’t feel you have to deal with this on your own. What can feel an awful situation can ease with support. It does not have to define the rest of your life.

Accessing support

University support services

Off-campus support services

  • GamCare – have a national helpline, live chat facility and an easy tool to help you find local support.
  • YGAM – has a range of support options and information about gaming concerns.
  • Gamblers anonymous – offers support and the opportunity to meet up with others.

Useful websites

The following websites can help you understand the world of gambling, identify if you may be gambling more than you can afford and how to access support:

  • Big Deal gambling – insights into how gambling works, the terminology and the different elements of gambling
  • GamCare – tips on safer gambling
  • YGAM – guidance on gambling and support.
Support and guidance