Graduation tickets

Your graduation is a special day. During the registration process you can request up to two guest tickets for family or friends to be in the ceremony with you.

Graduation tickets

You'll need to make sure you have already registered to attend a ceremony. During the registration process you can request up to two guest tickets. These will be confirmed in the confirmation email you receive shortly after you register your graduation choice. These tickets are only needed for the ceremony itself. Other spaces on campus are open to all guests to enjoy the day with you before and after the ceremony.

Applying for extra guest tickets

Although we schedule the graduation ceremonies to full capacity, there may be an opportunity for you to express an interest in up to two extra guest tickets. We allocate these on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to availability. For most ceremonies, they’re in very high demand, and there is no guarantee your application will be successful. For some graduation ceremonies where all seats are already booked, no extra guest tickets will be available.

The extra ticket request form was available from 9am on 18 June 2024 and closed at 5pm on 20 June 2024. 

To complete the form, some details are needed:

  • Your full name
  • Your student ID number
  • Your personal email address
  • How many additional guest tickets you would like to request (up to 2)
  • The date and time of your ceremony

After it has closed, the Graduation team will allocate any extra tickets available and email you to notify you if you have been successful.

Collecting your tickets

Collect your ticket and your guest tickets for the ceremony from the ticket desk in the Parkinson Building on the day of the ceremony. Arrive at least 90 minutes before the ceremony start time.

You should bring some form of photo ID with you, such as your student ID card, as you may be asked to show this. It is not possible for guests to collect their own tickets without the graduate present.

All graduates and guests coming to the Great Hall will need to show a valid ticket to enter. There is strictly no admission to the Great Hall without a ticket. Please keep your tickets with you at all times on the day.

Young children

All guests will need a ticket to the Great Hall even if they are young children.

“Sit on knee” tickets can be obtained from the ticket desk in the foyer of the Parkinson Building for children aged 5 years and under, subject to availability and capacity within the venue. The child should be present when requesting the “sit on knee” ticket.

Children aged over 5 years will require a guest ticket like every other guest attending a ceremony. 

Children under 16 will need to be accompanied by an adult.

Guests without a ticket

If you would like to bring more than two guests to your graduation day but don't have any extra guest tickets for them to be in the ceremony, there will still be activity on campus to enjoy. Live video of the ceremonies will be streamed in the Rupert Beckett Lecture Theatre in the Michael Sadler Building and in Terrace in Leeds University Union where extra guests can watch the ceremonies.

You can also watch the live ceremony stream online. You can also watch the ceremonies back after the event from the same link.