Preparing to leave the University

If you’re leaving the University, it’s a good idea to do some preparation and planning, so you will be ready to move on to the next stage in your life.

If you’re thinking about leaving before the end of your studies, make sure you also read the leaving early support information.

Get ready to move out of accommodation

If you’re in private-sector accommodation

  • Check your accommodation contract commitments and how and when your deposit will be returned.
  • Inform utility companies (electricity, gas, water) and your broadband provider, if these are in your name. Give them your leaving date, meter readings and a forwarding address for correspondence or to refund any credit you may be entitled to.
  • Contact your bank to cancel any standing orders or direct debits relating to your accommodation.
  • Decide whether to arrange for your mail to be forwarded automatically to your new address by the Royal Mail Redirection Service.

If you have any difficulties with moving out processes you can contact Leeds University Union Advice

If you’re in University accommodation

Check the information for residents who are leaving

Taking possessions home and donating unwanted items

You might have more possessions now than when you first arrived. Plan in advance your options for transporting these home; sending excess baggage if you’re leaving the UK; and giving away anything you don’t want to keep. 

University of Leeds Sustainability and Leeds University Union help students find new owners for possessions they don’t want to take home, and avoid 300 tonnes of left-behind items going into the rubbish.  

Check Sustainability’s student residents’ moving out information or ask the Help and Support team in Leeds University Union about charity shops and collection points where you can easily donate any unwanted items before you go.

Inform other organisations  

  • Tell your bank you’re leaving. If you aren’t closing your account, remember to change your address.
  • If you have a job, give your employer the required amount of notice.
  • If you have children here, let your child’s nursery or school know your leaving date in advance.
  • If you have a TV licence, or other contracts or memberships, tell the organisation that you’re leaving and check whether you can claim a refund for any unused months before your agreement expires.
  • If you’re an international student who’s worked in the UK and paid income tax you might be entitled to have some tax refunded. Check information from HM Revenue & Customs and National Insurance.

Access to University services after you leave

Access to your University IT account

  • Before graduating, check information about what happens to your IT account when you leave, including how long it stays open after you leave and how to get a refund for any unused printer credits.
  • If you are leaving permanently before the end of your studies, your IT account will close immediately after your official leaving date.

Access to the library

Find out how you can use the library after you graduate as one of the University’s alumni.

Access to the Careers Centre

Prepare to return home from time away

Reflect on any ways you and your life have changed since you started University and what it will be like to be back at home again. It may be difficult to fit into old routines and relationships with family, friends and colleagues. It’s normal for this to take some time.

The uncertainties of initially feeling out of place or no longer feeling ‘at home’ can be experienced by all students, not just those who have had an ‘international’ university experience.

Reading about 'reverse culture shock’ can give ideas of what to expect and how to help yourself settle back into life outside of university.
