Exam access arrangements

If you’re disabled or become ill at the time of your assessments, exam arrangements may be made for you. 

An exam arrangement is the name given to any alteration to the standard assessment and might include:

  • extra time 
  • rest breaks 
  • use of a computer 
  • a support worker to assist you, such as a reader, scribe or prompter. See the Examination Assistants page for more information

Applying for exam arrangements 

To request arrangements for your exams: 

  1. Complete the Disability Services sign-up form
  2. Provide supporting information about your disability

You do not need to apply for every exam period. Your exam arrangements willl remain in place for the duration of your studies unless you request a change.

Once you have successfully submitted your evidence and sign-up form, Disability Services will email you to confirm your arrangements. 

Deadlines for 2024/25

You must have provided both your sign-up form and supporting information by the following deadlines to have exam arrangements in place: 

  • Friday 25 October 2024 at midnight (to be in place for January 2025 assessments)
  • Friday 21 February 2025 at midnight (to be in place for the summer 2025 assessments)

Please email Disability Services at disability@leeds.ac.uk to let us know if your requested exam arrangements involve: 

  • the time of day of your exams 
  • the number of exams you have in one day 
  • the number of consecutive days that you have exams.

We need this information to allow sufficient time to reschedule any examinations.

If you don’t meet the deadline:

  • If you have missed the published deadline, arrangements will not be in place for the upcoming set of exams but will be for all future assessments. For example, if you miss the October deadline, you will not have arrangements in place for the January assessments, but will for the May/June assessments.
  • Your assessment access recommendations will still be visible on Minerva, but you will see an entry entitled ‘not current exam session’ along with the rest of your assessment access recommendations.
  • If you feel you will be disadvantaged by not having arrangements in place, talk to your school about applying for mitigating circumstances.


  • If you’re absent from an assessment or believe that your performance has been affected by illness, you must provide a written explanation to your school(s) within five working days of the assessment.
  • In the case of illness, this must be accompanied by a full medical certificate from a doctor. 
  • Please check your school's individual mitigating circumstances policy, including deadlines for each semester and where to submit the claim.

Temporary exam arrangements  

If you need temporary modified exam arrangements to be made for you due to a short-term illness or impairment (for example, a broken arm), you should contact your school to submit a request with a medical note dated within four weeks of the start of the assessment period.

Viewing your exam arrangements

Once your exam arrangements have been confirmed, you can view them on Minerva:

  1. Log into Student Services
  2. Click on ‘Examinations’
  3. Select ‘Examination Arrangements’ 

See our page on checking your exam access arrangements for guidance on assessment access arrangements. 


If you have any queries about your confirmed assessment access arrangements, email the Assessment and Progress Special Circumstances team at scexams@leeds.ac.uk.

Include your student ID number and the module code of your assessment in the email.

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