Taking time out or leaving your studies early
If you’re finding it hard to continue with your studies, talking to someone who can help is the first step. We’ll go through your options and help put a support plan in place, including whether taking temporary time out from your studies or leaving permanently is the right option for you.
The leaving process usually includes:
- speaking to someone who can help
- understanding your options and their implications
- submitting a formal request
- making any preparations
- keeping in touch and returning (if you are taking temporary leave).
Who to contact for support
Arrange a meeting with your Student Support Officer by completing the Leavers Enquiry Form. They will offer support, alternatives and resources, helping you to make an informed decision.
We recommend you attend this meeting to discuss your options. If you decide you still want to take temporary time out or leave permanently, your enquiry will be made into a formal request.
You can also contact Leeds University Union Advice or the University Chaplaincy for confidential support outside your School, or browse our resources for self-help. You can contact the Careers Service for dedicated careers and future-planning resources.
How to complete a formal leave request
Your School will send a summary of your proposed leave request to your University email address.
You must authorise or decline the request within 14 days to submit it for consideration. If you don’t respond within 14 days, your School must resubmit the request.
The leaving date on your student record (Banner) is usually the date proposed by your school. Occasionally that date cannot be used as it is not within a certain timescale. If this is the case, the nearest allowable date will be used.
Preparing to leave
Visit our preparing to leave Leeds page for guidance on the other arrangements you need to make.
How to return from temporary leave
If your school submits your request for temporary leave it will be for a specified period of absence. Your school can usually request up to a year of temporary leave at any one time, unless there is an exceptional reason.
The school office will contact you before your planned return date to ask if you’ll return as agreed.
If you’re not ready to return, speak to the school office about extending your temporary leave. If you don’t extend it and don’t return as planned, we’ll assume you’ve decided not to return and have left the University permanently. If you’re a sponsored student, we’ll also inform your sponsor.
You can use the support of your School and relevant campus services while preparing to return or considering future plans.
Returning after temporary leave for health reasons
You will need to provide your school with these documents to prove you’re fit to return to your studies before you re-register:
- evidence from a registered medical professional
- occupational health clearance (healthcare students).
Contact disability services to discuss your support needs if your health condition is long-term.
Speaking to the Students Union or Student Counselling and Wellbeing teams can also help get you the support you need.
Returning after temporary leave – international students
If you’ve been on temporary leave and you are an international student with a Student visa from outside the UK, you will need to request new immigration permission before you can resume study. Once you have your new Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS), check all the details are correct then email it to the University via brp@leeds.ac.uk.
If you need help, contact the Student Visa Advice service.
How leaving could impact you
Leaving impacts more than just your studies. Before you decide, make sure you understand the broader implications.
Get academic advice
Speak to your School about what will happen with your current modules and set a plan for returning to your studies if relevant.
Get teaching and assessment advice
You may need to complete a mitigating circumstances request alongside your leave request if you leave the university after the eighth week of teaching. The University will use this to decide whether you will still need to sit exams and assessments from that semester.
Get immigration advice
Get Student visa advice and International student advice and support on how leaving could affect your immigration status if you’re an international student.
Get fees advice
Understand how we calculate fee payments when you leave the University early based on your leaving date. Find out if you’re entitled to a refund.
Get student funding advice
If you have a loan with the Student Loans Company, check how your funding is affected by a change in your circumstances. You can also contact your funding body for advice.
Get accommodation advice
Find out your rights and what timelines and fees apply when being released your accommodation contract. The accommodation team will need a copy of your authorised leaver’s request form.
If you’re in University accommodation, the accommodation team will be informed you are leaving once your leave request has been finalised.
If you’re in private-sector accommodation, check the terms of your contract with your provider.
Get Council Tax advice
Speak to Leeds University Union Advice to find out how temporary or permanent leave can affect your eligibility for council tax exemption.
Leeds University Union Advice can also help with funding and accommodation support.