Students engaged in sex work

According to pre-pandemic research by Leicester University, around 5% of UK students are involved in sex work, and 1 in 5 consider it. The information here intends to support sex workers and those who identify with the sex work community. 

Experience of involvement in sex work can vary, for some it works well, for others they may be involved reluctantly.   Depending on the nature of the sex work there may be risks that impact your physical and emotional wellbeing.  When this happens it may feel difficult to ask for support.   However it is important to know that confidential Advice and Support is available for you throughout your time here at Leeds, which includes support with your studies and your wellbeing.  This section highlights key support both on and off campus.

Accessing Support on Campus

Disclosing Violence and Abuse

If it happens to you or someone you know, the Harassment and Misconduct team can help however you feel most comfortable, whether you want to get support, report something anonymously, or just chat to someone.  

Support with your studies

If something happens which impacts your abiity to study effectively,for example an assault, and you need additional time for assessments or a short break from your studies, you can access all the usual routes of mitigating circumstances and temporary leave.  If you don’t feel comfortable talking to your School, you can get in touch with LUU Help and Support who are independent of the University and they can offer support and guidance.

Financial support

making an application to the Financial Assistance Fund is available to all students who are finding it difficult to manage financially.  This could also include if you were involved in sex work due to financial pressures.  You can make an application without fear of judgement.  If you would feel more comfortable talking to someone before you make an application you can get in touch with LUU Help and Support,

If you are on a course leading to a professional qualification

For students who are registered on courses recognised by a Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Body (PSRB), in complying with the requirements of these external bodies, the university needs to be satisfied that students undertaking these courses meet the professional standards expected.  LUU Help and Support can offer guidance and representation if you feel you need support and are unsure about approaching your School first.

Support off Campus

If you don’t feel ready to talk to someone at the University, you can access support from a specialist organisation

Staying Safe

BASIS Yorkshire’s Student Sex Worker Toolkit provides information on different aspects of the industry and safety advice in all types of sex work.

National Ugly Mugs

NUM is a UK-wide charity working with sex workers to do research, design and deliver safety tools and to provide support services to people in adult industries.


SWARM is a collective founded and led by sex workers who believe in self-determination, solidarity and co-operation.