Student visa responsibilities
Students and universities must comply with certain visa responsibilities. These responsibilities apply wherever you study, and are not specific to the University of Leeds.
Your responsibilities
Remember that your immigration permission (visa) is your responsibility. If there is any change to your studies (including date changes, suspension or temporary leave and changes of programme) you must get advice about any effect this will have on your visa.
As a student, the Home Office expects you to meet the following conditions:
- Remain registered as a full-time student and attend all of your lectures/classes. If you are not able to attend, then you should inform your department as you must not have any unauthorised absences.
- If you will be studying using a Student visa, you must complete the full course for which you have been issued your visa. Failure to complete your course may have impact upon future visa applications.
- Leave the UK if you stop studying (for example, if you interrupt your studies or have to retake exams and will not be attending during the year). You should always seek advice from the International Student Office if your registration status is about to change. Some changes reported to UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) will result in visas being curtailed (shortened). UKVI may attempt to inform you of a curtailment but they may not have your most recent address or other contact details. To avoid refusal of entry at the border it is essential that you check, in good time, whether you need to make a fresh entry clearance application before returning to the UK.
- Do not breach the conditions of your visa. This includes ensuring that you do not work more hours than you should. For further information about working in the UK whilst on a student visa, visit our working during study page.
- Inform the University if you change immigration status and no longer have a Student visa. To do this, email the visa expiry team at with your eVisa share code. Create a share code using the view and prove service.
- Inform the University every time you obtain a new Student visa. To do this, email the visa expiry team at with your eVisa share code. Create a share code using the view and prove service. Please also provide a copy of your Grant/Decision email issued to you by UKVI. If you applied for your Student visa outside of the UK, please provide a copy of your entry vignette visa sticker and evidence of the date you arrived in the UK, for example a stamp in your passport or, if you did not receive a stamp, a boarding pass or ticket.
- Inform the University if you renew or update your passport. Email the passport expiry team at with a copy of your new/updated document.
- Ensure the University holds up-to-date contact details for you by updating Student Services with any changes of address or personal details. You can access Student Services using the icon on the Minerva toolbar.
- If you have a pending visa application and you change your address you must inform UKVI through their update your details form.
- Inform the University if your application to the UKVI is refused. You should email the Student Visa Advice team at to seek advice if this happens.
You can do simple things to protect your immigration status in the UK. Please read the UKCISA page about protecting your Student visa status for more details.
Please note if you overstay your visa without having made a new immigration application before your visa expired, you no longer have permission to study in the UK.
If you become an overstayer you can no longer engage in study at the University and you can no longer access any University facilities. If you are in this position, please email the Student Visa Advice team at immediately.
For more information about your rights and your responsibilities while you're in the UK, visit the Home Office website.
University responsibilities
As a Sponsor, the Home Office requires the University to:
- Ensure that we have up-to-date contact details for all students on a Student visa.
- Ensure we have a copy of all students’ current Student visa.
- Inform UKVI of any students who fail to register for their programme of study.
- Inform UKVI of any students who interrupt or withdraw from their programme of study and confirm the date that they intend to leave the UK.
- Monitor the attendance of students and report to UKVI any students who fail to meet UKVI requirements.
- Inform UKVI about any significant changes to a student’s circumstances or programme of studies (e.g. if a student completes the programme early).