
Research has shown that around 48% of students gamble to try and make extra money, although only 11% of students reported getting any winnings in an average week.  Half of students who responded to the research reported that gambling had impacted their university experience.  

Gambling is when you risk money, or anything of value to predict the outcome of a game involving chance.  This can range from a sporting bet, scratchcards to fruit machines.  The encouragement to gamble is in ever day life, from adverts, free bet offers or sign up incentives to get play online.  Curiosity, peer pressure and a sense of excitement can influence gambling behaviour.  Spending money on a lottery ticket each week, putting a sporting bet on or playing some online poker every day or so, may seem like activities that don’t cost much individually, however when you add up each time you gamble, it can add up to £100’s each month without you realising it.

Here are a few useful site that can help you understand the world of gambling, identify if you may be gambling more than you can afford and how to access support.

  • Big Deal gambling explain gives you insights into how it all works and the different elements of gambling as well as understanding the terminology
  • GamCare give tips on safer gambling
  • YGAM offer guidance on gambling and support
  • Take the quiz – see if you gambling may be an issue

Accessing Support for yourself or someone else

Gambling and experiencing financially losses can have a huge impact on all areas of your life, beyond your finances.  Many students report missing lectures, not handing work in, isolating away from friends and being worried to share with others what is happening.  It may be hard for you to have those first conversations or to share how you are feeling.  Please don’t feel you have to deal with this on your own.  What can feel an awful situation can ease with support for you.  It does not have to define the rest of your life.

Support off Campus

  • GamCare have a national helpline, live chat facility and an easy tool to help you find local support
  • Ygam has a range of support options and information about gaming concerns
  • Gamblers anonymous offer support and the opportunity to meet up with others

Support on Campus

Help from University and Leeds University Union services can be accessed alongside any support from external organisations

  • LUU Help and Support can offer guidance and support on areas where gambling may have impacted your life or studies such as mitigating circumstances.  Gamcare also run sessions within LUU so you can find out their next session and drop by for a chat.
  • Student Counselling and Wellbeing team have daily drop in sessions and also offer 1:1 support.