How the University can help if you've been bereaved

We understand that experiencing a bereavement can be very traumatic and impactful on many areas of your academic studies and life in general.  There may be different needs depending on your relationship to the person who died, and these needs can change throughout your time at Leeds. 

The support available is there for you throughout your time with us at Leeds.  It doesn’t make a difference if the bereavement is recent or a long time ago, if it is impacts you then please consider accessing support. 

Some of the ways we can help

  • If there are financial difficulties, a death may impact your funding, ability to continue to do any paid work, additional housing costs etc – help may be available through the Financial Assistance Fund.  This fund is available to all students including International and PGRs.  The Financial Assistance Fund site has all the information you need.
  • Letting your academic school know is helpful especially if you may need help with the impact on your studies. Have a chat with your Student Support Officer or Academic Personal Tutor (APT) and they can help talk you through what support can be offered, which can be submitting mitigating circumstances or taking temporary leave or leaving Leeds early
  • LUU Help and Support can offer practical help with any housing issues, additional financial needs or a confidential space to talk through any academic concerns.  You can email them at 

Additional help 

  • See the help and resources if you have been bereaved section
  • Help and resources if you friend has been bereaved
  • Student Information Service, if you would like some additional support that is not covered in any of these sections