Sexual health and wellbeing

Find out about information, testing and support available on and off campus to help you make informed decisions about your sexual health and wellbeing.   

Your body, your choice  

Sexual health can include physical, emotional, mental and social wellbeing. Good sexual health should be positive, a respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships and safe, free from coercion.   

Having the safe space, making sure you have given and have consent, using contraception and not feeling pressure from others are all important to ensure that the decisions you make are right for you and your sexual partner.  

Giving and getting consent  

Giving and getting consent is crucial to healthy relationships.  

Consent is when everyone involved gives permission for something to happen and is comfortable with it happening. It is about setting and respecting boundaries and checking in regularly if things aren’t clear. 

Visit our page on giving, getting and taking back consent

If you have concerns about any sexual interaction, we can help. Get in touch with the Harassment and Misconduct team for help and support.  

Safe sex  

This section contains information about Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), pregnancy and contraception.  

Protecting yourself against STIs  

STIs are common. There are many different types, some of which can cause serious problems if they are not treated. Some STIs don’t have any symptoms, so you may not know you have one. The only way to know, and to keep yourself and anyone you have sexual contact with safe, is to get tested regularly. 

Find information on STIs, the symptoms and treatment.

Get STI testing at a clinic

You can get free STI sexual health testing at many Leeds Sexual Health locations across Leeds.

Find a Leeds Sexual Health clinic.

Phone Leeds Sexual Health on 0113 843 4495, Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm.

Contact the Leeds Sexual Health Service via live chat.

Self test at home

If you live in Leeds, you can get a self-test posted to your home using SHUK. If you test positive, you will get a referral to Leeds Sexual Health. 

Get contraception advice, products, pregancy testing

You can get free services and advice at many Leeds Sexual Health locations across Leeds, including:

  • Contraception products and advice
  • Emergency contraception
  • Pregnancy testing.

Find a Leeds Sexual Health clinic.

Phone Leeds Sexual Health on 0113 843 4495, Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm. 

Contact the Leeds Sexual Health Service via live chat.

If you are age 24 or under, you can get free condoms, advice and information at 60 points across Leeds via Well Wave

Talk about pregnancy

If you want to speak to someone about your options for a pregnancy: 

  • Leeds University Union (LUU) Help and Support is a confidential service. Get in touch with them by dropping into the foyer in LUU or email the LUU team via
  • You can speak with your School, someone who you feel comfortable talking to, they can discuss support and academic options. 

Visit the pregnancy support page for more information.

Support and guidance