Harassment and misconduct support  On-campus support

As well as our Harrassment and Misconduct team, there are a range of support services available to you if have experienced any kind of violence, abuse, bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct or discrimination.

If you want to talk through support options and get confidential advice, email the Harassment and Misconduct team: reportandsupport@leeds.ac.uk

Student Counselling and Wellbeing Service

Our Counselling and Wellbeing Service offers one-to-one and group-based emotional, wellbeing and mental health support, both in person and online.

The service is confidential and they will not share any information about you or your situation unless you want them to, or where there is an immediate risk to your or someone else’s life or safety. 

Leeds University Union (LUU) Help and Support team 

LUU’s Help and Support team are independent of the University and can offer you support on a range of practical issues. 

They can make referrals to other support agencies and help you with making a complaint. They have a daily drop-in service and work with other partners to deliver specialist drop-in services.

The service is confidential and no information will be shared about you without your permission, unless you or someone else are at immediate risk. 

Your school 

You could talk to your academic personal tutor or student support officer in your school.

They can make referrals to other specialist services. They can also talk through your options if your studies have been impacted.

You may be able to ask for mitigating circumstances for upcoming deadlines.

Postgraduate supervisor

If you are a postgraduate research student, you may want to talk to your supervisor about what has happened as they can provide academic and pastoral support.

Your graduate school can also advise you on your options for taking some time away from your studies, how to ask for additional time to complete work and can also organise or suggest emotional and wellbeing support.

Your halls of residence 

You can contact your Residence Life warden for guidance. They hold advisory sessions and you normally don’t need an appointment.

Find your warden’s contact details on the contact your residence page, or email the Residence Life team: residenceLife@leeds.ac.uk.

Faith-based support

University Chaplaincy team

The Chaplaincy team offer confidential, pastoral care and spiritual support to students of all faiths and to those who have no religious beliefs.

Muslim Student Advisor

Fahat Yaqoob offers pastoral and spiritual support and connects people from all backgrounds through Unity communications and activities.

Jewish Chaplaincy

Chaplains and chaplaincy couples offer support to Jewish students of all backgrounds and affiliations.

Support and guidance