Postgraduate fees

Postgraduate research degree fee rates

You are classified as either a home or international Postgraduate Researcher (PGR) for the purpose of assessing tuition fees.

 If you would like a fee assessment to determine if you are a home or international student, email the postgraduate admissions team at

There are different fees for split-site research programmes.

Bench fees

Some research projects require a high expenditure on consumables, equipment, or other resources.

To cover these additional costs, an annual bench fee may be charged in addition to academic fees.

If your project has a bench fee this will be clearly stated on your offer letter. 

Overtime fee (writing up)

The overtime fee is non-refundable.

It allows all PGRs (excluding Masters by Research and miscellaneous study) to register on a reduced fee after the standard period of study has finished but within the maximum period of study.

During this time, it is expected that you will be completing the writing-up of the thesis and not normally undertaking further research.

Full-time postgraduate researchers will normally have one year of overtime and overtime fees. Part-time and split site have two years.

If you submit your thesis before the end of the standard period of study, or within one month of the start of the overtime period, then you will not be required to pay the overtime fee or register during the overtime period.

The charge will be applied on the anniversary of your start date as part of re-registration.

Find out more about overtime fees.

Overtime fee and suspension of studies 

If you have had a suspension of studies at any point in your candidature different arrangements will apply.

Your re-registration may not align with the date you begin your overtime period and the overtime fee will be applied in line with the anniversary of your start date as part of annual re-registration. This may be months before the start of your overtime period.  

If you have paid the overtime fee and then submit your thesis before the end of the standard period of study, or within one month of the start of the overtime period, your overtime fee will be reimbursed.  

To organise this refund email the Postgraduate Fees team at

Resubmission fee

If your thesis is referred after your viva, you may be required to re-submit your thesis.

Once your resubmitted thesis is sent for examination the appropriate re-examination fee will be charged. The Postgraduate Fees team will contact you about this.

The fee is subject to an increase each academic year and you should email the Postgraduate Fees team at for details of the fee levels beyond the current session. 

2023-24 resubmission fees

Doctoral degrees (eg PhD, MD, EdD, DClinPsychol, DPaedDent): £555
MPhil: £405
Masters by Research: £325

2024-25 resubmission fees

Doctoral degrees (eg PhD, MD, EdD, DClinPsychol, DPaedDent): £610 
MPhil: £445
Mastership by Research: £360 

Fee refund

If you are funding your studies yourself, you may be eligible for a partial refund of fees if you have an approved reduction to the standard period of study and you finish early, subject to completion of a successful examination.

This is not applicable to Masters by Research students as a reduction to the standard period of study is not permitted under University regulations.

No refund will be made unless all academic fees have been paid in full for the year/session in which you are submitting, you are successful in your examination, and have appeared on a pass list. 

The fee refund applies only to those submitting within the standard period of study. The Overtime period fee is a special concession that allows you to register for a reduced rate and is non-refundable, irrespective of the month of submission. Information about the duration of studies (including standard and maximum time periods, as well as information on submitting your thesis early) can be found in your official University offer letter. 

Email the Postgraduate Fees team at for advice on fee refund arrangements.

Paying your postgraduate fees

Your academic fees are charged at the start of each academic year or on the annual anniversary of your start date. 

You pay your fees as part of your registration.

Self-funding students

If you're a self-funding student, you can arrange to pay your fees in full or in two instalments: 

  • 50% paid by you before or on the day of registration. It is your choice which payment method you use for the first instalment. 
  • 50% on the first of the month, five months after your start date by direct debit from a UK current account. 

You can set up your instalment plan during registration where you will provide your bank details. Payment is not taken immediately.

If you do not have a UK current account, you can pay your first instalment using a different method and set up a UK current account  when you arrive in Leeds.

This process can take several weeks during busy times of the year. To avoid delaying your registration you should treat this as a priority if you wish to pay in instalments.

If there are delays to your registration because you are waiting to set up your bank account let email the Postgraduate Fees team at to let them know. 

Overtime (writing up) fees cannot be paid in instalments.

Postgraduate student loans

If you are receiving a postgraduate student loan from Student Finance England you can set up an alternative instalment plan in line with your loan payments. This alternative instalment plan will only be available if we have received confirmation from Student Finance England that your postgraduate student loan has been approved.

The alternative instalment plan is three instalments by direct debit from a current account.

  • One third payable on the first of the month 2 months after start date (1st November for September starters)
  • One third payable on the first of the month 5 months after start date (1st February for September starters)
  • One third payable on the first of the month 8 months after start date(1st May for September starters)

Details for your current account must be provided when you set up your instalment plan, we will not take an immediate payment using these details.

Tuition fee scholarships

If your tuition fees are being paid by the University, this will appear on the registration system as a tuition fee scholarship.

Tuition fee scholarships usually include research council funding, university scholarships and school scholarships.

Schools and faculties can make partial contributions to your tuition fees or pay them in full. 

You will be able to see if your scholarship paperwork has been processed when you complete step six of your online registration. 

Contact your graduate school if your tuition fee scholarship information is not shown during step six of your registration.


Fees and funding