Access your timetable

You should check your timetable regularly as it may change throughout the year.

You can access your timetable in two different ways:

  • on Minverva, using a laptop, computer or mobile device
  • on the UniLeeds app, using a mobile device.

Using Minerva to view your timetable

  1. Log in to Minerva using your university username and password. You may need to complete the DUO security check.
  2. Select ‘MyTimetable’ under the ‘Tool and Other University Systems’ section of ‘My Leeds’ tab. This will take you to MyTimetable. You can stay on the default mobile site, where you can see your upcoming activities, or navigate to the desktop site, where you will have more options to view your timetable.
  3. To navigate to the desktop site, go to the main menu and select ‘Go to desktop site’. On the desktop site, you can select day, week, month, or list. To return to the mobile view, just select ‘Mobile’ from the main menu.
  4. MyTimetable allows you to sync your online timetable to your Outlook calendar. Find out how to connect your timetable to your calendar on the Leeds MyTimetable website. You will be asked to log in using your University details to access the site.

Using the UniLeeds app to view your timetable

Download and install the UniLeeds app for your device.

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