Arranging childcare

Get the support you need to look after your child or children while you study. 

Childcare in Leeds

There are various types of childcare available to suit all needs and budgets. You may need to subscribe early or join a waiting list to secure a place.

Find childcare near you by getting support from the Family Information Service Leeds. The service also lists childminders, nurseries, playgroups and out-of-school play schemes.

University nursery

The University’s Bright Beginnings Nursery cares for children under five. It also operates during school holidays. 

Funding for childcare

You may be able to secure funding to help pay your childcare fees, depending on your child’s age and your circumstances. Contact Leeds University Union Help and Support for more information.

Learn about tax-free childcare. Tax-free childcare helps with the cost of up to 30 hours of childcare.

Meet other parents

Befriending other parents can help with overcoming childcare challenges. You can connect with other student parents and take part in family-friendly social activities at the University.

Meet online

Join the Lifelong Learning Centre’s chat space on Microsoft Teams. Email Student Experience Officer Lauren Huxley at for more information. You’ll meet other student parents and carers and get the chance to share experiences.

Mumsnet is also a good place to meet other student parents online.

Meet in person

Meet other student parents on campus through: 

Related links

Support and guidance