Request a means-tested assessment from your awarding body
The information on this page applies to UK or 'home' students and to non-UK EU students on an undergraduate medicine and dentistry course who are about to start an NHS-funded year.
Leeds Bursary entitlement
Your entitlement to a Leeds Bursary is based on your household income.
This is assessed by your Student Finance Award Body.
Depending upon your residency, your student finance award body may be:
- Student Finance England
- Student Finance Wales
- Student Finance Northern Ireland
- Student Awards Agency for Scotland.
You need to have a household income assessment undertaken and verified by your award body to be considered for a Leeds Bursary award.
If your academic year is funded by the NHS, your awarding body will not financially assess you. This is because the amount of funding you receive in NHS-funded years is not dependent on your household income.
Instead, the University will use the household income assessment your Student Finance awarding body carried out the previous academic year.
If your household income has been assessed
If you progress from a non-NHS funded to an NHS-funded year, you will still receive the Leeds Bursary if you qualified in the previous year and continue to meet the eligibility criteria.
You will still need to submit a Student Finance application for the years you are being funded by the NHS.
If your household income has not been assessed
You can request for your Student Finance awarding body to conduct a household income assessment if:
- You were not financially assessed in the previous academic year (and did not receive a Leeds Bursary award as a result of that).
- Your household income has fallen compared to the previous academic year.
If a household income assessment exists for both the previous and the current academic year, the University will use the lower of the two values to determine your Leeds Bursary entitlement.
Request a financial assessment from your Award Body in an NHS-funded year
Student Finance England
- Complete and return a 2024/25 Applying for student finance based on household income form or 2023/24 Applying for student finance based on household income form to Student Finance England.
- Important: You should also include a covering letter (including your SFE Customer Reference Number) saying that you are requesting a household income assessment in order for your University to determine your eligibility for a Higher Education Bursary. You can use our example covering letter.
- Unless you are an independent student, your parent(s) or partner should also return a completed 2024/25 PFF2 form or 2023/24 PFF2 form to Student Finance England.
Student Finance Wales
- Return a completed PFF2 form to Student Finance Wales.
- You should include a covering letter (including your SFW Customer Reference Number) saying that you are requesting a household income assessment in order for your University to determine your eligibility for a Higher Education Bursary. You can use our example covering letter.
Student Awards Agency for Scotland
Household income information can be supplied via your online Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS) account.
Contact the Student Awards Agency for Scotland if you need any support.
Student Finance Northern Ireland
- Return a completed PFF2 form to Student Finance Northern Ireland. You can find it in Form Finder on the Student Finance Northern Ireland website.
- You should include a covering letter (including your SFNI Customer Reference Number) saying that you are requesting a household income assessment in order for your University to determine your eligibility for a Higher Education Bursary. You can use our example covering letter.
Example Covering Letter for students to use when contacting their awarding body
Dear Student Finance [England/Wales/Northern Ireland – delete as appropriate]
Re: [Your Name]
Customer Reference Number: [Your 11-digit customer reference number]
I am writing to request a household income assessment in order that my host university may be able to determine my eligibility for a Higher Education bursary.
I am enclosing the required form(s).
Please contact me if you require any further information.
Yours sincerely,