Prayer, contemplation and faith-based support

The University has prayer facilities on campus and faith-based support is available for all, whether you practise a faith or not. Our quiet spaces offer calm for rest and reflection.

Support from Chaplaincy

Find our about faith-based support, activities, communities and places of worship at the University.

Explore faith-based support and spaces for contemplation and prayer

Christian prayer and support

The Emmanuel Centre and the Catholic Chaplaincy are home to chapels for Christian prayer, worship activities and faith-based support for all. 

Emmanuel Centre

The Emmanuel Centre, managed by the Universities Chaplaincy in Leeds has space for private Christian prayer in the Claire Chapel. Information about opening times, worship activities and faith-based support from Christian chaplains are on the Universities Chaplaincy in Leeds website. 

Catholic Chaplaincy 

For information about the chapel in the Catholic Chaplaincy, opening times, worship activities and faith-based support visit the Catholic Chaplaincy website

Muslim prayer and support

The Green Room  

The Green Room is our main Muslim prayer space on campus, located on the side of the Conference Auditorium, behind the Edge.

It is open Monday to Friday from 11:00 to 23:00 and offers separate prayer rooms, ablution and washroom facilities for both brothers and sisters, and has disabled access and washroom facilities.

During Ramadan, from 28 February to 30 March 2025 inclusive, the Green Room will be open 24 hours a day.

To request the access code for the Green Room:

Cemetery Lodge – fully closed for refurbishment 

Cemetery Lodge is closed for refurbishment to create a better-equipped and more welcoming prayer and study space for our Muslim community. Work is due to be completed in 2025.  

Temporary Prayer Space during refurbishment of Cemetery Lodge 

Temporary prayer space and ablution facilities are available in the basement of the Chemical and Process Engineering Building, open Monday to Friday 11:00 – 17:30. This includes accessible prayer and ablution facilities.

The access code for the prayer space entrance can be obtained from the Student Information Service by:

  • Emailing from your university email address
  • Presenting your student or staff ID at the Student Information Point in the foyer of the Chemical and Process Engineering Building
  • Presenting your student or staff ID at any other Student Information points

Information about Muslim prayer facilities and Friday prayers  

For more information about prayer facilities, email the Muslim Student Support team at

To find out the location and time of Friday prayers, check Leeds ISoc Instagram on Friday mornings or contact Leeds University Union Islamic Society by emailing

Muslim Student Adviser 

Muslim Student Adviser Sister Jaan Malik offers one-to-one support for Muslim students and other members of the University community who wish to see her. Sister Jaan is experienced in working with people, especially those who are struggling with different issues in life. She is here to listen, to talk to, or provide support and guidance from an Islamic faith perspective. 

Sister Jaan works on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays and she is based in the Emmanuel Centre. Email Sister Jaan Malik at or call Sister Jaan on: 07543800508

For general enquiries about support and Muslim prayer spaces, email the Muslim Student Support team at

Jewish prayer and support

Hillel House is the centre for Jewish worship and faith-based support on campus. 

The Hillel Student Centre Synagogue holds regular Morning Prayer services and offers Orthodox and Egalitarian Friday night services. The Centre also offers a range of support facilities.   

Other prayer spaces

Leeds University Union Building 

Leeds University Union offers a reflection room on level 1 and ablution facilities are available in the ground floor washrooms. You can find out more about the facilities from the staff at the Help & Support desk in LUU Foyer. 

Edward Boyle Library 

There is a small prayer room on level 11 (north side) of the Edward Boyle Library. The occupancy is currently limited to 1 person at a time. The door is kept unlocked. Ask at the Edward Boyle enquiry desk if you need help to access it. 

Laidlaw Library  

There is a prayer room available in room G08 on level 3 of the Laidlaw Library with capacity for up to 8 people. Ask at the Laidlaw Library enquiry desk if you need help to access it. 

Health Sciences Library 

There is a prayer room available in the Health Sciences Library. Ask at the Health Sciences enquiry desk to access it. 

It may sometimes be possible to use a vacant classroom, meeting room or private study area for prayer. Please check with the reception, porter or security staff first, to find out if the space is available. For health and safety reasons, corridors and stairwells need to be kept clear, so they can’t be used for prayer. 

Quiet contemplation spaces

St George’s Field 

Hidden within the campus is a cemetery site called St George’s Field, which is an important piece of Leeds's Victorian history. St George’s Field is a peaceful green space to visit, and has benches to sit on. 

Chancellor’s Court 

Another outdoor space you might want to bear in mind if you're looking for peace and quiet is Chancellor’s Court – an open area next to the Roger Stevens Lecture Theatre. 

The Galleries

Quiet space indoors might be hard to come by during term-time. However, the Stanley and Audrey Burton Gallery and Treasures of the Brotherton Gallery in the Parkinson Building are hidden gems where you can find calm. They house temporary exhibitions and treasures from the University’s library and art collections. 

Support and guidance