Remote Study and Your Student Visa

If you are thinking of completing part of your degree study away from campus/the UK as a Student Visa holder, the following information will help you to understand which type of absence (from campus/the UK) is permitted or not allowed by the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) for Student Visa holders.

Student Visa Conditions

After obtaining your Student Visa with the University’s Student Visa sponsorship (also known as CAS) for your intended degree programme, UKVI would expect all study that is part of your course to take place on the University’s premises, for instance, your lectures, masters dissertations or projects, supervisory meetings, etc.
Previously remote study was allowed by UKVI for Student Visa holders during the Covid-19 pandemic, however this is no longer permitted after UKVI withdrew the concessions.  Hence the following information is provided to help you to understand whether you will be in breach of your Student Visa conditions when you consider requesting certain types of absence from the University.

Absence during term times (including the dissertation/project period)

You may already know that you can leave the UK outside term times or during the official University closure days.  If you need to be away from campus/the UK during term times for certain reasons (e.g. health problems), you must request the period of absence needed from your academic school in advance for consideration and approval.
Before such absence requests can be approved, your school needs to understand the reasons for your absence and the period of time you need to be away from campus/the UK for the reasons stated.
Depending on your reasons for and the length of absence needed, your absence request can be approved as ‘authorised absence’ which is permitted by UKVI.  Authorised absence will not affect your Student Visa sponsorship while you are away from campus/the UK.
Please note here that you may be questioned by a Border Officer when re-entering into the UK after the end of your authorised absence.  You should therefore carry evidence of your authorised absence in the form of an email/letter from your school.
If your school thinks your reasons for and the length of absence needed cannot be authorised because, e.g. the length of absence time you need will impact on your study engagement and progress, they can advise what other absence request is available to support you such as ‘temporary leave’.
If you need to request temporary leave for the reasons of your absence (including the time needed), this type of absence is permitted by UKVI.  Once the request has been approved by your school, the University is required by UKVI to withdraw your Student Visa sponsorship for your temporary leave period granted.
UKVI would expect you to leave the UK as soon as you can during your temporary leave period.  Once your temporary leave ends and a date for you returning to studies has been agreed with your school, you can request a new CAS as soon as you know the returning date to support your new Student Visa application which must be made overseas.  When successful, UKVI will grant you the new visa covering the new length of your remaining study.

Absence due to a fieldwork/data collection trip

If your reason for absence (from campus/the UK) is for collecting the data required to complete your dissertation or project during term times, you need to work with your supervisor to let your school know in advance where you will be collecting the data needed and for how long.  Your school can then advise you on the paperwork to be completed.
Once your fieldwork/data collection trip absence has been approved, your absence period will be treated as a temporary ‘change of study location’ which is permitted by UKVI.  This will not affect your Student Visa status.
After your fieldwork/data collection trip, you will be expected by UKVI to return to campus/the UK to continue with the rest of your study as stipulated by the conditions of your Student Visa.
During your fieldwork/data collection trip, if you have encountered unexpected issues and will need more time, you must get in touch with your supervisor and school as soon as you can so they can support you by advising you on what you will need to do next.
When re-entering into the UK at the end of your overseas fieldwork/data collection trip, you may be questioned by a Border Officer.  To satisfy such border control check about your being away during term times, you can use the evidence of your fieldwork/data collection trip being approved by your school.

Absence from campus/the UK to complete part of my study elsewhere

This type of absence is permitted by UKVI if it is for, e.g. a work placement or an exchange programme, that must be an integral and assessed part of your study.  It should not affect your Student Visa status.
If you are requesting to be absent from campus/the UK to complete your dissertation in your home country, as an example, unfortunately this type of absence is not permitted by UKVI under the conditions of your Student Visa.
If you have to request such a type of absence for whatever reason(s), you need to contact your school to discuss it further.  If your absence request can be approved by your school, they will be able to advise you on the relevant paperwork to be completed.

Before submitting such type of absence request, it is important you understand the following:

If your absence request is approved by your school and you will complete your dissertation away from campus/the UK, this is not permitted by UKVI within the conditions of your Student Visa:
To support your request and to prevent you breaching the conditions of your Student Visa, the University will have to withdraw your Student Visa sponsorship for your absence period.  This is likely to impact on your UK re-entry when returning to the UK with the same Student Visa, hence we would advise you to apply for a visitor’s visa if you need to return to the UK afterwards, e.g. attending your graduation ceremony.
This may also impact on your eligibility to apply for a Graduate Visa after your official degree award has been confirmed by the University due to your Student Visa sponsorship being withdrawn and your absence from campus/the UK over the masters dissertation period.
If you are strongly interested in applying for a Graduate Visa, we would suggest you explore other possible options for dealing with the reasons for your absence request while completing your dissertation on campus/in the UK.

Absence for other reasons not mentioned previously

If you need to request absence for other reasons not mentioned previously, you can seek further help from Student Visa Advice to discuss about your situation so an Adviser can help you to understand whether your absence period and reasons may affect your Student Visa status or not.  You should also discuss it with your school to see if your absence will affect your study engagement and progress.